Chapter 22

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    Archer drove us to a diner about ten minutes from the USC campus. A retro, 50s vibe spanned the entire restaurant—bright neon lights, red and white striped booths, and tacky wallpaper. Waitresses moved around on rollerblades with short pink collared-dresses carrying huge trays of mouth-watering food.

We settled at a table in the back, with Madeline and Archer both flanking me as usual, then Emmett and James across from us. A waitress glided over and dropped off menus, before taking our drink orders and leaving us be.

The front door slammed open and a gush of noise carried over to us. Some of the other football players came striding in and noticed our group.

"Sup guys," Tyler said as he approached us, "We can join, yeah?" He didn't wait for a response before he pulled tables over and fell into a seat across from us. "Hey Charlotte," he winked at me, "Thanks for getting our QB in shape out there."

"Fuck off, Tyler," Archer grumbled as he kicked the leg of Tyler's chair and put his arm around my shoulder.

The other boys sat down, calling greetings to each other but I noticed there were still three empty seats. The clicking of heels caught my attention as the red-headed cheerleader and her friends walked in. Tyler whistled to get their attention and they all catwalked over to us.

"Hey there, boys," the redhead cooed as she sat down gracefully, followed by the two other girls. Archer stiffened next to me, his hand frozen mid-stroke on my shoulder.

"Teela," Tyler nodded as he picked up a menu.

Teela sat tall and straight in her chair as she scanned our table. As our eyes connected, I tried to smile at her as some kind of peace offering. Maybe she had been joking around earlier? She glowered at me and curled her lip in disgust. Okay never mind.

Her face cleared instantly as her gaze moved to my right and was replaced with a wide smile, "Archer! what are your plans for Thanksgiving? If you're staying back you could always come to our Friendsgiving."

"Actually," Archer spoke lowly, "Charlotte and I are heading home tomorrow."

"Oh..." Teela's smile stiffened, "fun."

Tyler waved his hand in the air as though he was swatting a fly, "Woah, woah, woah! You're bringing a girl home for thanksgiving, Johnson?"

"We grew up together," Archer glanced down at me with a small smile. "Our families spend most holidays together."

"Awe how cute, so you're like family." Teela simpered.

Archer choked slightly as he sipped from his drink. "Nah,"-he cleared his throat-"family friends, I guess."

The waitress returned to take our order before anymore awkwardness could ensue. The boys all ordered different variations of huge burgers and fries while Madeline and I ordered nachos and chicken strips to share. I felt guilty after all three cheerleaders ordered salads. I should probably eat like that right? I had always been small, but I wasn't fit. My stomach wasn't hard and no amount of running stopped my thighs from having some extra squish to them.

It was hard to focus on the amiable chatter swirling around me as I compared myself to the three girls at the other end of the table. These uncertain feelings I'd been having towards Archer scared me. I had come to value our friendship so much, and now that the line was blurring... it complicated things. Especially since there was no way I could ever be even close to Archer's league. A part of me felt like we were doomed for history to repeat itself. I'd fall for Archer eventually, he'd be disgusted that I'd think he'd want me, then the relationship would be ruined.

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