Chapter 39

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"Careful Lotty!" Mom yelled from the bottom of the staircase. I struggled to walk down each step because I was bundled up so tightly in layers. My legs could barely bend in the leggings, thermal underwear, and sweatpants that they were clad in. My grip stayed locked on the banister so I didn't go tumbling down like a rolly-polly.

Archer must have heard my mom because he came around the corner from the kitchen to grin up at me. He let out a small laugh then jogged up the stairs easily to offer me his hand. My mom made a bunch of cooing noises as she went back to finish our breakfast.

Once we entered the kitchen, it was very obvious that everyone had just heard about Archer's chivalry. Mom and Mrs. Johnson both gave us googly eyes while my dad and Oliver looked shiftily at our connected hands. Our moms almost broke the sound barrier with their reactions when Archer lifted me onto a stool.

"Alright that's enough out of the peanut gallery," Archer grumbled as he walked over to his mom and kiss her cheek. I frowned when I heard his hoarse voice. It sounded like he'd been at a concert all night screaming. 

Mrs. Johnson grabbed her son's jaw and moved his face around so that she could give him a good look over. "Are you sick?"

Archer cleared his throat and shook his head, "No, I just didn't get a lot of sleep."

I didn't miss how my dad's head snapped over to me and I was grateful that I currently looked fresh as a daisy. Annie had wanted to sleep in her mom's bed last night so I had the room to myself. I'd taken a long bath in the big stone tub and passed out in that soft heavenly bed by ten o' clock.

"So what's the plan for today, kiddies?" Mom asked as she poured everyone coffee and handed them out.

"Arch and I are renting boards and going up the Black Diamond," Oliver said from his spot at the counter. He was slumped over his coffee with his fist holding up his face. He looked as tired as Archer—and much more haggard. Looking between both boys I wondered what kept them up last night.

"Are you okay with that?" Archer said quietly as he took the stool next to me. Oliver audibly scoffed under his breath before taking a big sip of coffee.

"Of course!" I said quickly flicking my eyes over to Oliver. He wasn't looking at us but he was obviously listening. "You guys have fun. I don't even think I'm good enough to go on the Bunny Hill with Annie."

"I'm not skiing!"Annie's little voice came from the floor behind the island. I hadn't even noticed she was down there.

"I know baby, I already said I'd stay home with you today, you don't have to ski." Mrs. Johnson cooed as she looked down at her feet where Annie must be tucked.

I peeked over at Archer through my hair to see him frowning at his mom. I could tell something was off yesterday with the Johnsons but I hadn't gotten a chance to ask him about it.

"Oh Pam," my mom said sadly, "does that mean you aren't coming to the spa?" Mrs. Johnson grimaced and shook her head. "Okay... well Lotty do you want to come then?" Mom asked.

"Actually, why don't I stay here with Annie and you two go to the spa?" I offered.

"Oh, sweetpea you don't have to do that." Mrs. Johnson waved her hand at me in dismissal. "I'm sure you'd rather go skiing or something."

I shrugged and gave her a half-smile. "I've been dreading going on the hill actually. I'd much rather hang around here."

"Well, that settles that then!" My mom hooted shooting me a wink. Warmth ran through me when Archer casually dropped his hand on my thigh and squeezed gently.

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