Dark Times

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Annabelle stood awkwardly in the foyer as she watched him scramble for his keys with his cap low so that she couldn't see his face.

"Come on" he mumbled as he opened the door and stepped out.

"Sir, where are we going?" She asked as they made their way to the back or the house, the cold air quickly biting at their skin.

Lighting up a cigarette he told himself to find some patience to talk to her "The hospital. Arthur's boy has had a fall"

"Oh!" She gasped as her hand flew to her mouth. Quickly keeping up with his long strides she decided not to ask why he was bringing her along, it was clear he was distracted and didn't need her to question him.


As soon as the drive started Annabelle watched him carefully from the corner of her eye. Even in such a distressing situation she couldn't really read his emotions but she could feel that he was worried.

"Distract me" he bit as he lit up another cigarette.

"How long have you owned arrow house?" She asked lamely, rolling her eyes at herself.

"Two years" he breathed.

"Do you plan to stay there forever?" She asked.

"I do"

Annabelle sighed, she was useless "Sorry I'm not very good at this. Er, Mary mentioned that you have a sister. What's she like, sir?"

"Ada? She's a pain in the arse but she has a heart of gold"

Annabelle blinked at the nice words that came from his mouth and she found it interesting that he shared that information so freely.

"Are you close?" She asked

"Not really" and she saw the small smirk across his face "Do you have siblings?"

Looking out the window she squinted and saw that there where lights up ahead, they where leaning the country side and weren't far from the centre of Birmingham.

"No sir" she replied not wanting to extend on this conversation. Annabelle's family was a sore point for her and she didn't like to talk about it.


As soon as Annabelle was out of the car and in front of the hospital she subconsciously pulled her hair to the side of her face to hide her bruise. This didn't go unnoticed by Tommy as he opened the door for her.

As soon as he was in his brother Arthur was in his face, his brow wrinkled with worry as he hugged his brother.

Instantly feeling like a spare part she stood back and tried to remain unnoticed.

"How is he?" Tommy mumbled as he tried to pull away from his emotional brother.

"Fine Tommy, they're stitching his ed' back up now and then his hands"

"How's Linda?"

"She's out for my blood" Arthur laughed without humour as he pulled away and dragged his hands through his hair. A second later he spotted Annabelle stood in the doorway and was confused for a second "why is she here?" He whispered, a little too loudly.

Annabelle's face flushed as she looked away at the question she would most like the answer too.

"Is Polly here?" He asked, ignoring the question as he moved deeper into the room.

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