Need You

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The rain thrashed down so hard on the car that Tommy had to drive slow, their vision impaired dramatically.The sound of the rain hitting the car was soothing to Annabelle and it also distracted her mind from diving to insecure depths but she let Tommy concentrate.

Once they where back at the house they had both ran in, trying to avoid the rain but it was no use. As soon as they stood in the foyer they where both dripping.

Tommy looked at her as she pulled off her coat and for a second he felt a wave of relief wash over him. The normality of watching her was unexpected but it pleased him.

"What?" She asked curiously as she began helping him out of his coat, her finger tips grazing his as she pulled it away from him.

As soon as it was away from him he rushed to her, pinning her to the wall, his cold lips blending with hers as his hands slipped into her damp hair. The shock was short lived for Annabelle as her body began to warm and ignite right back at his touch.

Letting his tongue taste her she felt her knees buckle but he was there to support her. It was heady and she was certain she wasn't breathing as she kissed him back, begging him for more as he pushed his hips into her.

"Ahem" they heard from behind Tommy. Tommy broke apart first and winked at Annabelle before helping smooth down her dress. As they both turned around they where met with the embarrassed stares of Tommy's new staff.

"Good afternoon sir" Mavis greeted, her eyes briefly slipping to Annabelle who was blushing behind him.

Annabelle instantly felt a frost seeping from Mavis and she was pretty certain the woman was surprised by seeing Annabelle in such a position.

"Hello" he replied as his slipped his hand into Annabelle's "I'm sure Polly has filled you in on what's required. Nice to meet you. Excuse us"

Tommy gripped Annabelle's hand tighter and began dragging her up the stairs, through the shocked faces, relishing in her embarrassment and those who they just left at the bottom of the stairs.

"Tommy!" Annabelle laughed as they slipped into his room, his hand still in hers.

"Now where was I?" He asked before picking her up, relishing in her squeal of delight as he looked her over "You're clothes are wet Miss Thorn. If you don't take them off you'll get sick" he mumbled as he placed her down, his mouth  against her jaw, his teeth grazing every now was then.

Annabelle closed her eyes to the lavish assault as she committed the feeling to memory.

"Shall we take them off?" He whispered, silently wishing that she would say yes. The tension had been building all day and he was certain she felt it too.

Annabelle swayed in his arms as her breathing picked up. Taking a deep breath she answered "Yes" it was impossible to think straight around him.

Placing his hand on her shirt he let his fingers slide to the first button, teasing her as he went. As he did so she took in a sharp breath, her heart hammering thickly in her chest.

Tommy popped the button, then the next and the next until her shirt was open and quickly discarded on the floor. It left her in her skirt and he wanted to admire the look of her for ever.

Snapping her eyes open to him she found his eyes on her and she blushed, her instinct to cover herself was to strong.

Tommy gently pulled her arms away "You need to trust me first" he breathed before kissing her on the lips and leaving her stood in the middle of his room.

Returning to her he passed her one of his shirts, relishing in the annoyance in her face. Tommy had stopped the party before it had even began and she was clearly annoyed.

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