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"Tommy!?" Annabelle yelled from their bedroom as fear prickled at the back of her neck.  This couldn't be happening, not now.

A few minutes later Tommy came rushing to to the bedroom with his coat in his hands, his eyes wildly looking over her and to the floor.

Annabelle's waters had broken two weeks early.

"Shit" he mumbled as he rushed to her "Okay stay calm Anna, don't lose your head okay?" He said as he began walking her out of their room. It was Tommy who was losing his head "Bloody hell where's my keys!?"

Annabelle rolled her eyes until a contraction caused her to double over "Oh!" She hissed through gritted teeth.

"Do you want me to carry you?" He asked, panic spreading across his face as he began to feel useless.

"No!" She panted "Just get me down these bloody stairs"

"Come on then" he said as he began helping her down, one hand in front of her and one on her back. Protecting her.

"It's too early" she cried "Oh god what if something's wrong?" She cried as he picked her bag up that had been waiting by the door for the past week.

Tommy tried to soothe her but he didn't know what to say, he was out of his depth and no previous advice from his brothers had helped.

"Everything will be fine. Let's get you to the hospital okay?"

Annabelle looked at him, her eyes searching his and she quickly grinned "You look scared Tommy" and she let out a shaky laugh.

"I am"

"Good, this is all your bloody fault" she mumbled as she stepped outside of the house and allowed the cold air to soothe her before another contraction hit.

"Annabelle" he laughed, his sweet carefree laugh that he only saved for her "It takes two people to make a baby"

"I regret it" she joked as he opened the car door for her and helped her in, his hand skimming her pregnant belly.

Tommy kissed her cheek before closing the door. It would always amaze him how she could calm him down and centre him back so that he could focus. As he walked around the car his excitement began to build, soon they would be bringing their child home and he had everything that he wanted.

Annabelle couldn't control the fear that flooded through her as she watched on. Would this ever get easier? Would she ever be able to control this urge to protect what's hers?

"She'll have to fall at some point" he told her as he stood next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist "You need to relax"

"How can I relax Tommy? She's on a bloody horse at four years old" she cried as turned to him, her worry stretched across her face.

Tommy laughed before placing a kiss on her cheek, ever since Charlotte was born Annabelle had been fiercely protective. Tommy had to put his foot down, telling her it was in her gypsy blood and there was things she would have to do.

"I was riding horses at her age" he said as he looked out to the field to see his daughter on top of her horse Lady Day. Charlotte was every part of Annabelle but she had his eyes and his confidence.

Annabelle turned and watched as Arthur walked Charlotte around the field trying her hardest to enjoy the glee on their daughters face.

"Arthur, eyes on Charlotte please!" Annabelle snapped when Arthur looked over at them.

Tommy laughed before letting her go to make his way to his brother, he knew that she would only relax when he was there.

Annabelle decided to follow in hopes she could bribe Charlotte to get off the horse with a new dolls house. As soon as she was close enough Charlotte let out a squeal of delight.

"Look mummy! Look at me" and she gripped the reigns of her horse and smiled.

Annabelle's heart melted and she suddenly forgot why she was stood there. In Charlottes face she saw her love for Tommy and everything that was good about him.

"See, she's fine" he whispered teasingly as he took her hand.

"It's still annoying they I carried her for nine months and she's you're double" she replied with a smirk.

"Go on Charlotte show Mummy how fast you can go!" He shouted and before Annabelle could intervene Charlotte pulled back on her reigns and her horse started to sprint around in a perfect circle.

Arthur was stood in the middle grinning like a fool which momentarily annoyed Annabelle. That was until she heard the joyous laughter or her daughter who was in fact a natural.


Annabelle and Tommy lay in complete darkness, neither speaking as they enjoyed each others warmth. Tommy shifted, lay on his side and began stroking her arm.

"I'm still mad at you" she whispered.

Tommy sighed "I know"

"Good" she hit back but feel idiotic for not having anything smart to say back.

"I thought you would like the idea. I didn't think you would want to see it" he softened.

"You bought a house without telling me Tommy" and she leaned up and pushed him down "I'm your wife, you have to let me know about these things. What if I hate it?" She whispered before placing a kiss on the tattoo above his heart.

"I'll buy another, one you like"

Annabelle knew he was smirking, she didn't need the light to know that. Tommy did many things without asking her in business but their personal life would have to be different. Tommy knew that.

"We need a bigger house" he started as he pulled her mouth up to his, his lips hovering over hers "If we want more children we'll need the space"

"More?" She whispered.

"Oh definitely more" he laughed before kissing her and pulling her on top of him "I think you owe me a boy Mrs Shelby don't you?"

"You'll get what you're given Mr Shelby" and she laughed as he flipped her so her back was on the bed and he began to assault her with his kisses.

The End.


I feel a little heartbroken finishing this story but this was always my plan. I want to thank all of the people who have supported me through this story, your comments have kept me very entertained. I always write stories for a distraction and I always have that with Tommy.

To those who get to read it all in one go- thank you! I hope you enjoyed my story.

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