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Tommy's eyes widened for a fraction of a second but she caught it and she took a step away from him, her eyes glaring darkly from the information he had freely given.

"How do you know that?" He mumbled until his brain began to catch up from the shock, remembered that only one other person knew. George. He was furious but decided he would deal with him later.

"I knew it" she sighed as she ran her hands through her hair "You should of just left me alone Tommy. You had no right dragging me back here" and she began to head towards the door.

Barging by her he locked the door and snatched out the key before pocketing it.

"You always have to be in control don't you?" She sneered "Couldn't stand that you couldn't torture me anymore?"

For the second time his eyes widened as the words hit him at full force. Tommy had never wanted to control her, granted that he couldn't always communicate properly but he never wanted her to feel suffocated by him. It stung.

"Torture you?" He asked, his breathing speeding up in his chest as he tried to calm his building anger.

Annabelle huffed "Yes, that's what this is isn't it? Why else would you send all those men to drag me back here? From day one you've needed me to fill a gap and that's all. I'm nothing but emotional convenience to you and frankly I've had enough. I want out"

Tommy watched as her green eyes darkened with hatred. Hatred that he didn't understand. Had he not been obvious? Did she believe that he was just using her to feel whole again.

"Annabelle" he snapped "I dragged you back here because you didn't bother to give me the benefit of the doubt"

"I've given you plenty or have you forgot?" She spat bravely as she took a step closer to him "I've comforted you in ways that you didn't deserve"

Tommy remembered the night he drunkenly carried her to his bed and held her until he fell asleep. Remembered how sweet she had been to him in his moment of need.

"I sent those letters" he sighed before turning away and storming to his drinks caddy "But its not what you think"

"You're a broken record" she hissed "Let me out Tommy or I'll scream"

"Scream. Nobody will hear you"


Annabelle had been sat on the sofa for the past fifteen minutes without a word. Tommy had placed a drink infront of her but she ignored it, ignored him as sat deep in thought. Still in her coat, ready to leave at the drop of a hat.

"Where are you going to go Annabelle? I'll find you so you might as well get comfortable" he mumbled as he took his seat at his desk.

Annabelle ignored him again, scared that'll she'll lose her mind out of complete frustration. All she could think about was the day she nearly left this house, she should of ignored Mary's plea for her to stay.

"I sent those letters Annabelle because her husband had sent me one" he cleared his throat before continuing "He wanted to know if his wife had been unfaithful during her visit here"

Annabelle looked up at him but she was too lost in the thought of his hands all over the beautiful blonde woman. How she could ever compete with her, she was certain the man in front of her was blind to his own feelings.

"I told him everything about her" he mumbled before downing his drink and slamming the glass down.

"Did you have an affair?" She asked with a tone empty of emotion.

"Grace wasn't interested in me, she was only interesting in fucking over my family" and even with the distaste that he felt towards Grace he was relieved that Annabelle was talking to him "I had set this place up for her but no, we didn't have an affair"

Made From Roses Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora