Champagne Kisses

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Annabelle peaked over at him once and that was enough. Closing her eyes she tried to calm her erratic breathing and not allow her mind to spiral. It had happened so quickly, she could still feel his lips burning on hers, his hand in her hair.

"I should go" she whispered as she began to stand up, her legs feeling numb from the sudden come down of adrenalin.

As Tommy stood up he fought with himself to say something, anything to make her stay but instead his lips remained firmly pressed together.

What could he say to her? It had been him that had tempted her, lured her in and then initiated the kiss. That was all on him.

As he watched her go he smothered down the urge to follow her and instead busied his hands with his hair, remembering that only mere seconds ago her hands where in his hair.


Annabelle hadn't slept very well. Not a solid wink and she was exhausted as she woke early to begin her morning tasks. As the only person awake she tried to focus on the tasks at hand but the silence meant her brain would always bring her back to last night.

"You're up early" George mumbled as he slipped into the kitchen, his suspenders half off of his shoulders.

"I couldn't sleep" she mumbled "Tea?"

"Please" he said as he reached over and grabbed an apple off the side "What did he make you do last night then?" He asked as he took a bite of his apple.

Annabelle blushed "Nothing more than usual George"

"It's so strange Anna, come on. The man has practically thrown every other maid that has come into this house out. You come and he wants you by his side at all times"

Huffing she waved him off with her tea towel "It's not like that George. I am given tasks that he requires completing. It's that simple"

"Well why does it have to be at night?" He questioned as he crunched his apple loudly.

"Because were both busy in the day" she mumbled as she wiped down the final side, waiting for the hot water to boil.

"I think the only time he wants to get busy is at night, with you" he sneered.

Annabelle whirled around and hit him with her tea towel "George stop!"

"Ow bloody hell Anna!" He cried as he rubbed his arm from the whip she had given him.

"Get your mind out of the gutter will you? If Mr Shelby heard you talking this way, well, you would be in trouble!"

This didn't deter George at all "Look Anna I'm just looking out for you. You seem a real sweet person. Since being here he's hurt you, kept you locked up and dragged you around. I'm just saying be careful"

Annabelle threw her head back in frustration and closed her eyes. From the outside it really did look bad but she knew differently, she knew that somewhere on the ice block of Mr Shelby's heart there was still a flicker of a pulse.

"I appreciate your concern George but I can handle this" she replied.

Just as George was about to argue his father Henry stepped in and nodded at Annabelle.

"Mr Shelby's brother Arthur is coming up the drive with his family"

Annabelle saw this as her cue to escape.


Annabelle quickly opened the door to see Arthur, a beautiful blonde woman called Linda and their son Peter on the door step.

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