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Annabelle sat with Maria in the sitting room trying to get warm by the fire. The heat blazing out didn't seem to be having the desired effect as she shivered. All she could think about was Tommy and she hated herself for it. How had she easily been lead astray by this strange man? One minute she was telling Mary she wasn't planing on staying and the next she was taking his hand.

Did he even care that she had left? Was he furious that his emotional crux had escaped his torturous ways?

"So he carried you to his bed?" Maria breathed incredulously, breaking Annabelle from her daydream.

"Yes but he only did it because he had been drinking" she sighed "As soon as he was asleep I left"

Maria raises an eyebrow "I think there's more to it Anna. Sounds like he really cares for you but he's a bit messed up. You know, he's unconventional in the way he shows you he cares but it's there"

"He's writing to Grace" Annabelle mumbled as she looked into the fire, remembering the beautiful blonde she had seen on her first day at Arrow House. Immortalised in a beautiful oil painting.

"Yeah I can't explain that away" she said as she side hugged her friend "It will get better you'll see. Once you're in a new post you'll soon forget about him"

"I hope so" she sighed as she leaned back into the sofa.

"This isn't like you. You're always so careful"

"There's something about him. It's intoxicating and suffocating"


Maria was ready to leave Annabelle to sleep when Ben came rushing into the sitting room, straight by them to look out the window. Looking over his shoulder Annabelle could see the panic in his eyes as he addressed his wife

"Billy next doors just come back from the pub. Said the Peaky Blinders are out looking for some woman, they're pulling people out of their homes"

Annabelle stood up quickly trying to pull air into her lungs. Surely they weren't looking for her? "I should go before they come here"

"Anna no!" Maria hissed as she pulled Ben from the window "We'll just tell them you're not here" and she looked at Ben who didn't seem pleased with the plan.

"They're checking houses Maria! How do you think we're going to hide her?" He snapped as he began to pace.

Annabelle blushed profoundly as she realised the extent of her burden. Maria would do anything to protect her but she knew that it would come at a cost to her marriage. Ben was a good man but he wouldn't go against the peaky blinders. Nobody would.

"We'll just have to be persuasive. Don't worry it'll be fine. Anna stay here okay?" Maria begged as she took her friends hand.

Ben let out a strangled cry as they prepared themselves for the worst.


The street over had been turned upside down as the blinders made their way into the house of people who had refused them access. Families were stood outside in the cold huddled together as their homes were ransacked on Tommy's orders.

As he stood in the middle of the street with a cigarette in his hand he ignored the cries and sneers and focused on where Annabelle could possibly be. Thinking back he remembered that she had a friend here and he was certain that's where she was. They just had to get to her.

"She's not in ere!" He heard an elderly woman sneer as she whacked Isaiah with her walking stick.

Isaiah yelled at her to move as they barged in and began checking her home.

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