2. Thor! and bathtime.

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Nemo pov.

I wake up to a deep voice yelling out insults

"What is this mortal animal doing in my room!" I open my eyes only to come face to face with a metal hammer. I whine and back up.

The hammer gets pulled back revealing a tall, buff blond guy.

"I am Thor, god of..." as he talks i watch his hammer swing around as he speeks.

I pounce on his hammer and try bite it but my ingrowing teeth do little to no harm.

"Your just a pup" he mumbles and holds up his hammer to get a better look of me attacking his metal block.

"Who brought you here? Steve?" I shake my head 'no'.

"Natasha?" No
"Bucky?" No
"Bruce?" Who are these people.
"Tony?" I bark happily but he just shushes me. I sit down on his bed again with a wagging tail as he plays with my fur.

"Im guessing your for Peter? That boy has been through so much. Are you excited to meet him, Little One?" I nod and jump around with a happy expression.

"Would you like anything to eat? Bacon or sausage? I can sneak you to the kitchen" i let him lift me into his arms and tip toe through the home.

We pass a buff dude wearing blue red and white holding a shield. He smiles when he sees me and plays with my ear.

"Is this the little prince my husband got for Peter?" Thor nods as i lick the new mans hand.

"Peters not in. Had to go out with his friends"


"Stop Wolf-like mortal!" The blond god yells through the tower. For the last 20 minutes most of the 'Avengers' have been trying to get me to have a bath but i like games so i ran away.

"He's a dog Thor, he wont listen to you wiether your a god or not" mr. America says as i bark with joy.

"When did Tony say Peter would be back?"

"Quite late, he took him and his friends to the movies. We have a few hours to give the baby boy a bath, dry him off and get him his collar and set up his room" angry green man*hulk* says closing the kitchen door behind me.

I look around and see the adults surrounding me, some holding towels and shampoo.

"Come on! Don't you wanna look nice for Peter? Huh? Come on" mr. Bucky begs. I just jump onto the stool then the island...im soon stuck.

"We can add bubbles if you like" redhead lady smiles. My tails starts flying around and hitting the small fruit bowl beside me making it fall to the floor with a thud.

"Ill carry you okay?" Mr. America says reaching for me. I squeal and jumpinto his arms and let him take me to the bathroom.

"Lets give you a bath..."


A few hours later and the whole top floor of Stark tower was both wet and messy. Bath time...didnt go so well.

The water was cold and the bubbles dissappered when i bit them! Plus-Yes theres a plus- everyone was covering me in water and some foamy stuff.

"Ill call Tony, let him know we need more time" mr. America says as i shake my fur around.

"Tony...yeah about-you know...we need more time...and a cleaner...okay.yeah see ya later" he puts his phone down and walks back over to us.

"Tony says we have until tomorrow. When peter comes home from school hes gonna give him this little devil baby"

They all sigh in relief and go back to trying to dry me. Mrs. Red head lady dries my body with a towel while America man tries to distract me...it worked.

Im not proud of it but the way he played with his shield mesmerised my eyes and mind. He would throw it into the air and it would land back in its original place on his arm.

After about a minute everyone let me go since i was fairly dry. I chase my tail, sadly making me knock into the wall. I sit and shake my head before i get distracted by a small piece of lint.

"Awwwwwww!" The group say staring at me from across the room.

"Peters gonna love him"


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