7. named!

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Nemo pov. *unnamed*

"Well, he looks like a...i don't actually know"

Peter says shaking his head in slight shame. I lick his face as he continues to cry.

"Why don't you think of a few and which ever one you like best can be his name?" Mr. Thor suggests with a smile.

"Okay" peter nods and holds me tightly. "Henry? Tommy? Buddy? Fluffy? Biscuit? Nemo? Ryan? Troy?..."

After about a minute and a half of nameing suggestions we are down to 3.

Buddy.    Liam.     Nemo.

"I like Nemo" peter says letting me think about the name. I bark happily at the name. I love it.

"I think he likes it, Pete" mr. Stark grins and wipes the stray tears of joy from his husband.

"Thank you guys so much! I-It means the world to me!" Peter continues to cry making me snuggle into his neck to make him feel better.

"Can Nemo stay with me? Please"

"Of corse, Son. Hes your responsibility now" mr. America smiles happily and kisses mr. Starks forehead.

"Ill take care of him, i promise! I'll take him on long walks, I'll feed him his favrioute food whenever he wants it and i'll play with him all day long and when its time to go to sleep he cam lay beside me in bed..." he lists a bunch of things he'll do to make me happy. My tail wags aggressively as he speaks.

"He's the luckiest dog in the world, pete"


"And me and Ned were like WhOosH, Pow! SlAsh" peter explains the time when him and his best friend 'Ned' recreated Star Wars.

"Am i boring you? Sorry. Im a nerd" he chuckles nervously. I shake my head and bark for him to continue causing his face to light up and keep talking.

I lay on Peters bed when i start thinking about the shirt in the box. I bark and jump off his bed before biting his shoelace so he stands up.

"Whats wrong?" I try pull him out the room but since im just a puppy im quiet weak.

I prance out the room and down the hall with Peter following me confused.

I find the box but its too high to reach so i whine a little so Peter would get it for me.

"Do you want it?" He asks reaching for it. I bark and wait for him to place it down beside me. When he dose i jump in the box and pull out the shirt with my baby teeth.

"M-My shirt" he says confused. I nod and wag my tail with joy. "Why do you have my shirt?"

I bark and walk back into Peters room with it still in my mouth as he follows once again.

"Do you wanna watch Star Wars with me. I mean-i know i already told you all about it but i thought you might want to watch it properly" he explains shyly. I lick his face making him giggle and scratch behind my ear.

"You should see Ned when he watches it. When were both together we act out the scenes as they happen. You would love i-WAIT!"

I stare at him in confusion as he jumps up with a smile.

"Do you wanna meet him so we can all watch and act it out together?" I bark loudly and jump up as he dose a happy dance.

"Sweet! I'll ask dad if he can come over!" Peter then picks me up and races down the hall to the glass elevator before waiting patiently to reach our floor.

"DAD! DAD WHERE ARE Y-oh! Hey dad" we run right into mr. Stark who was currently holding a ready made red and blue blanket. It was small and had spiderman on it.

"Who's that for?" Peter asks as i snuggle into his side.

"For Nemo. Here ya go puppy" mr. Stark lays it on top of me giving me imediate joy. I reach out and lick his hand before snuggling back into Peter.

"Its amazing dad! Thank you. I was coming to ask if Ned could come over so me, him and Nemo could watch Star wars?"

"Sorry, kid. Its a school night and i know how you two are with sleepovers. I cant get you up in the morning. Mabey tomorrow" mr. Stark suggests with a smile. Peter nods and plays with my Spiderman collar.

"Who's gonna watch Nemo when im at school?" Peter asks scared to leave me. I whimper a little since im going to miss my new best friend.

"Well, me and your dad are going out with the other Avengers for a meeting with Nick Fury but Loki will be here. Plus Jarvis so he should be fine" mr. Stark says confidently. Peter nods and lets his dad kiss his forehead before walking off.

"Lets go to bed, baby boy"


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