♡ TWO ♡

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[ Louis POV ]

After geometry, world history and gym. (None of which had harry in them). It was finally time for lunch. Where I hoped I could find harry and maybe apologize for this morning. I doubt he will forgive me but it's worth a shot. My goal was to make at least one friend by the end of the day. So far i've made a grand total of zero.


I scan the lunchroom looking for the head of brown curly hair, but i don't see anything of the sort. So i walk up to the only person i have talked to all day, Andy. I walk to the table where he and his friends are sitting and tap his shoulder. He turns around

" Can i help you?" He says with smirk

" Umm do you know where Harry is?" I ask

"Harry? As in Harry Styles? As in the weirdo from our English class?" He says, almost shocked that I'm asking him about harry

I nod. Not agreeing with harry being a weirdo but i feel like arguing isn't gonna get me anywhere with him.

"Nah i don't know." He says with a shrug.

"Oh, that's ok" I say turning to walk away.

"Hey," He says scooting over "Sit with us"

" Oh that's ok-" I start but get cut off.

" Sit with us" He says, well more demands I'd say

" O-ok i guess," I say with a nervous laugh.

I guess being friends with Andy is better than no one... right?


[ Harry's POV]

As I walk to the library to sit and read for approximately a hour and eat my home packed lunch. Which is the same thing every. single. day. But it's not my choice, it's the voices decision. It's always the voices decision. I peek into the lunchroom and there he is. Louis, sitting with Andy and all his friends. I'm not even surprised, after my incident this morning I'm surprised he didn't transfer schools.

I pull my head out from the cafeteria doorway and walk down to the library. When i enter Mr. Tracey smiles at me. Like she does everyday. I walk over to the table 3 tables away from the door and 5 away from the desk. Like i do every day.

I pull out the chair

Then I can finally sit down and get out my lunch and get out my book. Like i do every day. Right now I'm reading "Into thin air." A book about 9 Mount Everest climbers who a have a very unlucky trip to the top. 5 of the 9 end up dying. Due to their own stupid decisions. I'm pretty deep into the book when I hear a clatter and a chair being pulled out.

I look up and there he is again. Louis, setting his tray down across from and sitting down. This is probably the only table left I think. But when I look around every other table in the library is completely empty. Actually, we are the only people in the library other than the librarian.

It was probably a bet.
Do you not remember this morning.
You're a freak.
Stop lying to yourself.
He hates you.

"Harry right?" He says saving me from my own mind,

"Yeah?" I say looking up. I was kinda hoping he wasn't gonna talk to me. I'm not that good at holding conversations. But at the same time i never want him to stop talking. He has the most gorgeous accent i've ever heard.

"Look i just wanted to apologize for this morning" He says

"You- You wanna apologize to me?" I clarify. Nobody ever apologizes to me.

That's because everything is your fault

"Yeah?" He says sounding confused.

"Oh, i was actually gonna do the same thing to you" I admit starting to chew on my nails. A habit i just can't seem to break no matter how hard i try.

"What? Why would you apologize to me?" He asks.

"Because I ran off after shaking your hand like a freak?" I tell him. He just furrows his brow and shakes his head

"You're not a freak harry" He says quietly and looks up. We make eye contact and I feel my stomach turn. How can this boy I met not even 5 hours ago do this to me. We have probably been staring at each other for too long. But i just can't stop looking him and his bright blue eyes.

Louis clears his throat awkwardly. "Uh, what are you reading." He says glancing at the book that I set aside when he started talking.

"Oh its about this group of 9 hikers who decide to climb Mt. Everest with very little experience. The Author was actually one of the hikers who went along with them. And after many bad decisions and a unlucky turn of events 5 of the 9 climbers die. One guy didn't die but he lost both hands and his nose-" I start to ramble " Sorry"

"No no, Keep going it sounds really cool." He says sounding genuinely interested

We spend the rest of the lunch talking about my book. All the way up until the bell rings.


hiii guys i hope you liked it. the chapters are gonna get a lot longer and cuter (hopefully) soon.

Again. Again. Again. 《 l.s》जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें