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[ Louis's POV ] 

When I wake up it's stopped thundering and it's just drizzling. Harry is still lying on top of me. But his fists are relaxed now and just laying on my chest. He looks so peaceful, like an angel. When I listen closely I can hear his soft breathing with the sound of light rain behind it. I try to slide out from underneath him, but he makes these little noises and grabs my shirt.

"Please don't leave me." He says, his voice still all deep and raspy from sleeping.

"I'm never gonna leave you." I reassure him.


"I promise." I take his hand, intertwine our fingers, and run my thumb over his knuckles. "Are you ready to get up?"

"I don't wanna get up." He groans into my shirt.

"You have five more minutes, I'm hungry." I negotiate.

I let him sleep for another hour because the feeling of him laying on top of me is addictive. I could get used to it. His body is like a blanket. And somehow, even though he is bigger and taller. He is fighting perfectly on top of me like a puzzle piece. I glance over and the clock says it's 1:30.

"Come on Harry, I'm starving." I nudge him.

"Ugh, you are so needy." He complains, but eventually, he sits up and fixes his hair. "What do you want to eat?"

"I'm really craving kraft mac and cheese."

"Well you're in luck, that's the only thing I know how to make." He says while getting off the bed. We walk to the kitchen and show him where everything is.

"I feel bad you are making my lunch at my own house."

"Do you want food or not?" He snaps. I put my hands up and surrender. "That's what I thought. Now get out of my kitchen." He shoos me off and I wander into the dining room. And decide to set up a board game for us to play.


"Here is your food, your highness. Ignore the burned parts-" He says while walking into the living room. The way his eyes light up when he sees scrabble set up is priceless. "I love this game!" He says and quickly shoves me my bowl of macaroni. "I never have anyone to play it with!"

"Do you wanna play?."

"Is that a real question? I'm gonna destroy you."

"I don't doubt it."


"Literally doesn't count Louis." Harry exasperates. Let's just say we have had this conversation many many times during this game.

"Yes, it does!"

"I'm gonna literally shove this macaroni down your esophagus."

"See, there you just used it in a sentence form." He rolls his eyes but let's me keep it. He puts down the word 'Halloween.'

"Halloween is in two weeks, what are you going as?"

"Nothing, I've never gone out on Halloween." He says casually.

"Never? Never in seventeen years of your life?"

"Nope, receiving candy from strangers? Not my thing in case you haven't noticed."

"We could go...together" I hint.

"Go trick or treating as 17 and 18-year-olds?" he questions with a confused look on his face.

"No, I have to take the twins out trick or treating"

"Sounds like fun" He says lamely while I take my turn. I put down the word 'lettuce.'

"Harry, I'm inviting you to come trick or treating with us, please? I don't wanna be alone." I practically beg.

"I will consider it." He pauses for a split second. "Ok I've considered and I will come along."

"The twins are gonna be so excited."


"Yeah, they love you." He smiles and takes another bite of his food.

"Speaking of them, where is your family?"

"They went out to the pumpkin patch today, but I already went with you guys."


"BOOM!" Harry shouts, standing up and putting his hands in the air.

"You're such a dork." I say with a laugh. I'm about to ask if he wants to play again but the sound of the door creaking open stops me. I look over and Nall is already in the house and taking off his shoes.

"Uh, can I help you?"

"Can I help you my ass. This is basically my house." He says while throwing his feet on the table. I push them off and lecture him about how we eat at the table and I don't want his dirty feet on it. "I invited Liam over too, you guys wanna do something?" I sit there speechless but just shake my head.

"Fine, Harry go find another game." Only five minutes after Harry goes off to the basement Liam walks right in too. I really need to find a better place for my house key. I guess people DO look in the most obvious spot.


"Wanna play monopoly?" Harry says once he comes back upstairs. We are all sitting around the dining room table.

"Isn't that a kids game-" I can hear Liam stomping on his foot under the table. "OW- yeah, let's play." Harry smiles and starts setting up the game. Niall sends Liam death glares every time Harry looks away.


"YOU CHEATER!" Niall screams, standing up and towering over the table. Harry flinches and drops his money on the board. I scrabble to help him pick it up.

"I DIDN'T CHEAT." Liam protests, standing up also and slamming his palms on the table


"For the love of God." I groan from my end of the table. "Throw ME onto the railroad."


"THOSE ARE NOT THE RULES. IT'S A CHILDREN'S GAME, IT'S TEACHING HONESTY AND MONEY SKILLS. BOTH OF WHICH YOU ARE LACKING." Niall shoves his finger in Liam's face. Which Liam pushes away roughly. Harry is just wide-eyed, darting between them. I'm used to it so I just sit and massage my temples.


"AT LEAST I'M TRYING TO BE HONEST." Niall throws his hands in the air in frustration.

"SAYS THE ONE WHO BROKE INTO LOUIS'S HOUSE THIS MORNING," Liam shouts, making Niall's eyes go wide and the entire room goes quiet. 


They are really bad at keeping secrets clearly. 


Love you

- T xxxx

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