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[ Harry's POV ] 

"Soooo H I was wondering if you would maybe wanna come with me somewhere this Friday?" Louis says. We are sitting in the library, like we always do.

I peek out from behind my book "Where were you thinking?"

"Uh, to get milkshakes maybe?" He says quickly, looking down at the table. I can feel my hands start to sweat. No, this is fine. Just me and Louis getting milkshakes.

"Withallmyfriendsfromoldschool." He spits out so fast I wonder if he is gonna start singing rap god next. But then I really think about what he said. With all his friends? Oh no. no i can't do that.

"How many friends did you say you have?" I ask him in return.

"Oh not that many just about, 3. Except i think Zayn and Liam are bringing their girlfriends. Oh and Niall is too. Oh wait Liam asked if he could invite his friends from the football team." Louis lists. With every name I feel like 5 pounds is being added to my shoulders.

"Uh i thought normally just your 3 friends went" i say with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah but we all decided we were gonna bring some friends this time, which is why i'm inviting you."

"Oh. Umm can i think about it?" I ask him, hoping i don't sound like too much of a bitch. Louis's eyes soften from across the table.

"It's ok if you don't wanna come Harry." He says quietly.

"No, I wanna come to Louis I really do. I just don't if I can. That's all." I admit.

"Look Harry, I completely understand if you think you can't do it. But I think you can. I'll be there the whole time and I'll tell everyone not to touch you. I think it'll be good for you harry."


"Harry, wait up." Louis says. Running up to catch up to me in the hallway. "Look, I was being a really big jerk to expect you to come next Friday."

"No, I'm sorry. I wish I wasn't like this."

"No, it's not your fault. How about you come this Friday when it's just my 3 friends."

"Yeah, that sounds nice." I agree.


[ Louis's POV ]

L: I just want to make it VERY clear. No one is to touch Harry or come close enough to "accidentally" touch him.

N: Aright man we get it

Z: Yeah Louis, cool it. I'm sure it's fine. He's not gonna die.

Lo: Guys I'm being dead serious.

Z: Ohhhh I see what's happening here. Little Lou Lou has got himself a crush.

Me: I DO NOT. I don't think he's even gay. AND DON'T CALL ME LOU LOU

Li: don't worry mate we won't touch your little boyfriend. Ahahaha

Lo: I hate you guys :(

Z: We love you too :)

[ Harry's POV ]

L: I'll come pick you up at 4:45 ok?

H: Sounds good.

Delete it and rewrite it.
We sound so unenthusiastic
He's hates us now
We shouldn't go


I'm finishing putting on my shoes when I hear the horn honk from outside. I walk through the doorway 3 times and then out to louis car, before waiting for him to open the door and getting inside. A routine we have gotten pretty good at over the past month or so.

Again. Again. Again. 《 l.s》Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora