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Ok so here is a little backstory for the movie ‘Shutter island’. It will make sense while I’m telling you this later in the chapter. 

The main character of this movie kills his wife after she killed their children. And he is sent to a mental hospital. At the end of the movie, the main character has a choice to be lobotomized (Having an ice pick shoved into the brain and hitting a nerve that basically turns you into a lifeless zombie). Or continue to live this life. He chooses to be lobotomized. (Video up top is the scene I’m referring to)


“What’s worse? To live a monster or die a happy man.” - Leonardo DiCaprio (Shutter Island) 


* Two day time jump *

[ Harry's POV ]


I’m sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Scrolling through Instagram and Twitter. Nothing really interesting is going on. Thanksgiving is in four days. I’m probably gonna make myself an oven pizza and watch Charlie Brown. Wallow in my self-pity. The usual. 


I freeze with a spoonful of cereal in my mouth. Who is honking at this hour? It’s 7:20 in the morning. I shake my head and finish up my cereal. I get up and go to put the bowl in the sink-


I drop the bowl. Luckily it doesn’t shatter. This bowl is like a chihuahua, practically indestructible. 


I mutter under my breath and storm to the front door. Throwing it open, prepared to yell at my neighbors. But instead, I freeze and quickly close the door.

Louis's car is parked outside. 

“Maybe he didn’t-”

My phone starts ringing. 

“Is there a reason you just opened the door, saw me, and then slammed it shut?” He asks when I answer, I can hear the smirk in his voice. “I mean I know I’m insanely attractive but-”

“I was just startled.” I cut him off before his ego can get too high.

“Do you want me to drive you to school?” He asks. 

“Yes please,” I say, pinning the phone between my shoulder and ear and using my hands to pack my bag. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.” 


I walk out the door three times and lock it. I smile at him and wave as I walk to the car. I throw open the passenger seat, but just as I'm about to sit down a piece of duct tape stuck to the seat catches my eye. I lean over and look closer. Scribbled in Louis tiny handwriting it says-

Harry’s Spot :)

I smile to myself and climb in


I don’t let my smile waver as I get out of the car and get back in. 


I swallow hard and do it again. 


My smile falls completely off, like a mudslide. I climb in a final time and throw my bag in the back.

“Did you eat breakfast?” He asks, completely avoiding the compulsion situation. 

“Yes, I already did.” He nods and pulls out of the driveway. He puts his arm on my headrest and twists his body around to backup. Sending me a grin while doing it.

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