♡ TEN ♡

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[ Harry's POV ]

I think Louis hates me. He hasn't talked to me for a few days. I mean we texted on Saturday. But it's Tuesday now. And I haven't heard a single thing from him. I assume he's picking me up for school. But I'm not sure.

That is until I hear his 3 beeps from outside and happily swing open the front door. After walking through it 3 times I go skipping out to his car. Louis looks upset though. He doesn't have a sweet smile. He has a stern look on his face. He swings open the door for me and I climb in. We sit in silence, before he sighs and moves the stick shift. Making me glance down at his hand, I have to do a double take. His knuckles are kinda red and one has a little bruise on it.

"What happened to your hand." I ask him after a few minutes.

"I don't wanna talk about it." He says with a monotone voice. We sit in more silence. And this time it's not a comfortable silence. It's very uncomfortable. It feels like a heavy blanket is smothering me. And the worst thing is, I don't know how to fix it.

I know it was something I did. It has to be, it always is. But I don't know what I did this time. I mean Louis said he wasn't mad about the milkshake incident. But he was probably lying.

We just had to mess it up
Like we always do
Zayn was right, what quality of life do we have?

"Looking I'm really sorry-" I start but get cut off.

"I know ok, you have apologized like 200 times. And every time I say it's ok. You can stop apologizing now." Louis snaps, raising his voice. Making me flinch and close my eyes. And I get flashes of my father shouting. All my father did was shout.


Suddenly the car comes to an abrupt stop. Making me lurch forward in my seat. I open my eyes and we are pulling off to the side of the road.

"What are doing on the side of the road Louis?"

He just shakes his head and rests it on the steering wheel. We sit in silence, before there are a few sniffles. Making me snap my head to look over at him. His head is still on the steering wheel. And his shoulders are shaking just a little bit.

"Louis what's wrong." I ask him. He just continues to cry. And I have never wanted to hug someone more than I do at this moment. I have never wished I was normal as much as I do right now. I just wanna scream. Louis is upset and there is nothing I can do about it.

Louis snaps his head up and grabs the steering wheel. Veering off the side of the road and back into traffic. Wiping his eyes as he turns the wheel.

"What are we doing?"

"We are skipping school."


This is short bc I'm gonna post like 4 short chapters. I hope it's not too short though. :) Don't forget, I love reading the comments *wink wink*

Love you

-T xxxx 

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