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"Something you need most might be something you turn away from, something you turn away from might be something you regret, and something you regret, in the end, might cost you the one chance you ever had. " - Brain Judge. 


[ Louis's POV ] 


"Harry told me something a few days ago and I can't shake it." I announce to the boys. We are sitting in our booth at the diner drinking milkshakes. We decided to get them today since the championship is this Friday.

"Well, what was it?" Liam asks.

"He told me he was unlovable." I say. The entire table goes quiet and it feels like we just piled ten wool blankets on ourselves. Niall sighs and stirs his milkshake with his straw. Liam makes sure to look everywhere except me.

"What's the problem?"

"You don't see a problem?" Liam asks.

No? I mean I see the problem with him not realizing how great he is-

"Not that" He says with a sigh.

"With you." Niall states.

"What about me?" I argue.

"Your whole 'plan' isn't gonna help his case." Liam says, sounding exasperated.

"You guys know I have to do it. I can't go through that again." I try and convince them.

"We know, we just wish there was another option." Niall says.

"Well there's not, I already feel guilty enough so thanks for this guys it has just been fantastic." I say sarcastically. Angrily shoving out of the booth and storming out of the diner. I go sit in my car for a while. Head resting on the steering wheel. Until there is a tiny tap on the window. I sigh and roll down the window for Niall and Liam.

"Look we are sorry mate. We just don't want you to do something you'll regret." Liam persists.

"I'd rather lose one thing than everything." I say deadpan.

"But that one thing IS your everything, Louis." Niall says quietly.

"Shut up would you!? Would you just shut and leave me alone!?" I yell at them, rolling up the window and wiping my tears as I shift the car into drive. They step back and I speed off. That one thing isn't my everything. They are being so dramatic. I've known him for 2 months. Everything is gonna be fine.


There is a double update for y'all. Might even triple we shall see.

I will tell you all when it is the 3rd so you don't have to stress about it. And this book has a happy ending so don't worry about it everything will work out.

I have had to watch/read a painful amount of things about football for the next chapter. I never wanna even see a football ever again. 

Love you

- T xxxx 

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