812 17 32

I kinda love this chapter. 


“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does change the future.” - Unknown 

“If we really want to love. We must learn how to forgive.” - Mother Teresa 



Feeling Whitney - Post Malone 


[ Louis’s POV ] 

I’m still in my room. Trying to distract myself from the rambling voicemail that I just left Harry. I’m just about to reach for my phone, again. When I hear a knock on the door. 

And then another 

And another 

Three knocks on my door. There is only one person who knocks exactly three times. It can’t be

I sprint downstairs and open the door. Harry is standing a few feet from the door. I step down onto the porch and the door slams closed behind me. 

“Harry! Just the person I want to-” I start excitedly. But he cuts me off running up and wrapping his arms around me. I stumble back and catch myself on the door handle. 

“Was it true?” He mumbles into my shoulder. My hands hover over his body, frozen in confusion. 

“What are you talking about?” I ask, returning his hug. He pulls away and looks at me. His gaze flickers between my eyes like he doesn't know which one to land on. 

“Everything you said in the voicemail. Was it all true? You really didn’t wanna date Kat?” 

“Yes yes yes.” I quickly confirm. He smiles, but his dimples don’t come out. He pulls me in for another hug. This one lingers longer. Just as I’m about to say something, a tiny sniffle comes from him. 

“Harry what’s wr-”

“I’m so sorry, please don’t be mad” He cries into my shoulder. 

“What would I be mad about?”

“Me being too clingy and a hopelessly romantic who thought you were into me.”

He thinks this was his fault
No no no

“No no no.” I gently stroke his head. I can feel the little water droplets spewing from his eyes making my shirt wet. “Nothing was your fault. I was way out of line. You are per-” I bite my tongue. 

You are perfect.

“You are perfectly fine." I catch myself. "I’m not mad at you Harry. I’m mad at myself.” 

“So you don’t hate me?” He asks. His voice is tiny, weak, vulnerable. 

“No, I could never hate you, Harry.” I say, rubbing circles on his back. He doesn't pull away so neither do I. We stand there, rocking back and forth.

 I play with the soft and silky curls at the nape of his neck. His body shudders every now and then. Every time I give him a little squeeze, showing him that I am here. I nudge his temple with my nose and whisper reassuring things into his ear. 

This is the longest hug I have ever had. 

Harry likes it. I can tell from the way he has stopped crying and is trying to get even closer to me. Which isn’t really possible, considering our bodies are pressed right up to each other. And my back is now against the door. His stomach grumbling is the first noise to break our hug. 

“Want some macaroni?” I ask as he pulls away. I feel cold and empty almost immediately. 



I watch him sit there and quietly eat his macaroni. The sunlight hits his side profile and his skin glows like a greek god. He wouldn’t believe me if I told him though. He hates compliments. He looks up and smiles at me, his dimples popping out. The dimples that I haven't seen in so long. Because I haven't seen him smile in a month. I sit there and admire them.

“What are you staring at?’ He asks with a giggle. 

“You.” He obviously wasn't expecting that answer. His eyes widen and he pushes his lips together to hide a smile. 


“Your dimpling.” 


“Your dimples are coming out.” His smile instantly drops and he pushes around his macaroni. 

“I hate them.” He murmurs. 

“Don’t say that,” I order. “They are almost as cute as your curls.” He smiles, but I can tell he doesn’t believe me.

“I'm gonna get a haircut just to spite you.”

“I will kill you. Then kill myself.” I state, completely serious. 

“That will be taken into consideration.” He says with a smirk, taking a bite.

We aren't exactly what we were before. 

Maybe we never will be. 

But, it’s a start. 


Yes, Harry can now touch Louis again. I didn't wanna keep that going for too long. You guys already had to suffer when he couldn't touch him at the beggining.

I know Harry "forgave" him really easily. But just because he forgave him doesn’t mean everything is rainbows and lollipops and he fully trusts him again. It’s gonna take a while, even if Harry doesn't show it. Considering his past and such. I’m just really bad at writing that type of thing.

Thanks for being patient while writers block ate me alive.

Love you 

- T xxxx  

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