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Me and Jesse spends all of our free time together. We've become close. Dora is being discharged this afternoon and we have a 'welcome home' party prepared for her. She won't be going to school for a week and she has to adjust to the fact that mom,dad and Josh is gone... tragedy after tragedy, I wish one day I'll give her the happy life that she deserves.
The party was Jesse's idea and I must agree we have done an amazing job with the décor.
"So how'd it look?" Jes asked
"Like a professional company did it" I smiled
It was so comforting being around him. He just had this way of making me happy and care-free,he made me forget the disappointments and pain in my life, he filled me up with joy and peace. Boy I'm falling for him I swear!!
"Who you smiling at?" Aunt Mary asked
"Uuuuuhm! Nothing, I mean no one!!"
I kept looking at the time, I just couldn't wait to see my sister. I missed everything about her. I couldn't wait to feel her cute little chubby fingers holding my neck or see how her eyes wrinkled and dimples appeared everytime she smiles. I wonder if she changed, wouldn't she be heartbroken? Sad that first Joshie left her and now both mom and dad left her.
"I'm going to pick up your sister now Reece. Be sure to switch off the lights when you hear the car"
"Yes Aunty"
Jesse was going to leave after the mini party, which means I had a lot more time with him

Welcome back party:
Gosh the heart attack Dora had when we suprised was so funny, good thing I captured the moment. Jesse left a few hours ago, after we cleaned up thankfully coz I feel so darn lazy right now.
I lay in my bed thinking about Jesse. His a wonderful person. I just met him but I feel like I've known him my whole life. He has an amazing soul *blush blush* his a perfect there even such a thing for gays? Well if there isn't now there is. I notice every small thing about him. Damn! Am I in love with him??! I highly doubt it. Maybe I'm just a mess? Not like I'm ready for a relationship yet...I'm still very heartbroken, that jackass stole my virginity, made me live in a fantasy and played me like a guitar and like an unwanted,overchewed bubble gum he threw me away. Selfish cunt. He left me when I needed him the most. When I really wanted someone to hug me and tell me it's okay to cry. But it is what it is. I just need to pick up the pieces and make a different, happier picture.
I hear stones against my window.
I look outside and see Jesse the hell? Did he forget we have something called a door that you knock on? But boy am I happy to see him. He makes butterflies flutter in my stomach
Instead of opening the window I pick up my jacket from where I threw it and run outside, careful not to make a noise.

I see Jesse standing there with flowers. Gosh his so adorable
"Hey I thought that maybe you would like to spend the night with me? Not as in have sex or anything...just like Uhm watch movies and uhm cook pancakes?" I laugh at his uncertainty,gosh his super cute when his unsure
" I'd love to"
He takes my hand and we walk to his house.
Inside his house we keep walking till we in the yard Awww he has a treehouse,I've always wanted one!
We go into the treehouse and I'm stunned into silence.
Everything looks so amazing. There's fairy lights on the walls. There's a cute blanket on the floor, the windows are in the perfect view to see the stars and moon, the TV is on,there's rose petals on the floor...awwwww is that champagne I see! Ooooh and there's a picnic basket!! Aaaaaaaaaarh his such a romantic!!!
"Come on in,stop staring at my handiwork"
"This is so beautiful! Gosh it looks amazing!!!"
We sit down on the blanket and he opens the champagne. Yum yum in my tum tum
He takes plates out of the picnic basket and hands me pizza and a glass of champagne. He switches on the TV and puts on Titanic. We eat in silence for a few minutes
"How are you feeling?" He asks
"I'm okay, you know. Happy for now but once I leave here I'm going to be stuck in my head,hating the world and being depressed"
"Whose says you leaving here?"
"Wait what?....are you kidnapping me mister?"
"Nope. You having a sleep over with me" yippee
We eat and drink some more. He throws some ultramel over the chocolate cake and puts on some jelly tots and M&M's. He hands it to me and lowd knows I can't resist shoving everything in my mouth yum!!!
We lay down and watch the stars. I lay on his chest and breath him in. He smells so goooooooooooooood. Gosh I could just eat him up.
"I think I'm in love with you Reece. I just feel a connection with you that I never felt with anyone. You bring me peace. And maybe it's too soon but I was hoping you could be my boyfriend..?"
"Whoo that came out of nowhere. I don't know hey. I just came out of a relationship...if you can call it that. And I'm not sure I want to start dating...yet. Let's take things slow perhaps. Give me some time to think it over, I got a lot going on right parents funeral that I'm not even sure I want to attend, Dora's health and my own health, I have school to think about and...there's just a lot going on."
"You can have a few days to think about it. I know you going through a lot, I just want to be there for you, I want to support you, be your peace and your happiness. I'm not like other guys, I won't play you."
"I'll think about it Jess"
But that was a lie. I already had my answer. I swear I was falling for Jess and I was falling hard.
Hey yo 'tis your author here. Anywho I just wanted to thank y'all for reading this far and I hope you enjoying it. This book ain't properly edited so if u notice grammar errors or incorrect spelling you can dm me and if you wonna add some of your ideas tell me and I'll make space for ya!! Love y'all loads and thanks for the support. Enjoy reading further 🤗

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