till death do us apart:

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John's pov:

It's our wedding today and I can't stop sweating. I'm so nervous. Reece planned the wedding and I know it's going to be big and dramatic, coz that's just how he is.
He ordered my suit and damn he got fashion sense. The suit is baby blue with black trimmings. The shirt is animal print. I'm wearing diamond cuff links and my engagement ring. My hair is gelled back and instead of a tie I have on a baby blue scarf. Reece always loved being different.

I walk inside the building and I'm lost for words. The place is huge and the decoration is on point. In a few everyone will be seated. I stand at my rightful place and wait to see my baby walk down the aisle.
My father agreed to hang Reece over to me. My dad was so happy for me. His straight but he doesn't have beef against The Community.  My mom is here too, and Reece's Aunt. Jesse came too.

As we weigh the wall behind us comes on. A projector is on top. Then a video of me and Reece starts playing. It starts off with a small poem
"Through every rubble you will find treasure...keep looking.
No matter how broken you feel, no matter how much you want to give up... don't! The best is yet to come. These a reason behind everything. Don't you dare give up!"
And then the video plays. There's pictures of Reece and a taller boy...that must be his brother Josh. And there's a pic of Reece,Josh and Dora together...they look so happy. The video goes on and there's pictures of Jesse.  It's captioned "once upon a time you made me happy. My heart belongs to John but I'm still grateful for the joy you bought me once. May you find your happiness too"
Come to think of it I think Jesse found his happiness. He came with a tall guy and they seem pretty close.
Close to the end is a picture of me and Reece on the floor on his graduation/engagement day
And suddenly the wedding anthem plays and the doors open.
Reece walks in and I just can't stop the tears from falling. The video made me emotional and now being able to see him so happy and care-free has my heart so full it feels like it's going to burst. His wearing a light purple suit with an animal print silk shirt and the buttons on his blazer is open. He looks so hoooot!!
He got dreads in a few days ago and they look good on him. His wearing make up and instead of shoes his wearing heals. Wow his so dramatic! But his my crazy baby and it's taking me all my will power not to run to him and hold him tight.  Not soon enough they get to the alter and my father hands Reece to me.
We say our vows and "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss your man"

And just like that the party begins!
It's so crazy. The cake is just so amazing I'm lost for words.

It was a great night and the best part was finally leaving for our honeymoon.

A/N: yea yea we getting to the end of the book but don't worry follow me and wait for my new book "Brave". At least Reece got a happy ending. There's always a happy ending so don't give up until then. Jess also finds love. Everyone is happy and finally Reece can move on. At least now his not stuck, lost or alone. Now his happy.☺️❤️😩
Star this🙏 go on finish reading 😉

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