Healing process:

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Dora's pov:

The healing process is funny. Some days I feel great and happy, like nothing can bring me down but other days I just want to curl in a ball and cry till I can't feel pain anymore. Why did mommy and daddy leave? Everything has come crashing down. Reecie is loosing the plot...he has a brain tumor and is going for his OP inna few. I'm getting bullied at school and only John knows. Jess is just a waste of time. He keeps coming to visit but the problem is he doesn't make Reecie happy, he creates more havoc then fixing. Urgh I hate him. John is nice. I know what happened between all of them, they think I don't understand. Little do they know I grew up before my time.
I'm an outcast. Tomorrow night Tammy was supposed to be having a birthday party but I never got an invite. I'm not seeing the point of life. Today is my last day of life. And I want to spend it with the people I love and who loves me. I've invited John over but Reecie only agreed coz Jess was coming over too. Why can't he get off his high horse and admit that no matter how badly John hurt him he still loves him.
It's going to be a mini indoor camp. Watching movies, eating pizza and hanging out with my brother and future husband..John.
I've thought of all possible ways to end my life. Jumping off a bridge, overdosing, slitting my wrists vertically, drowning, walking in front of a movie train, putting a hole through my skull...all possible ways but I've decided to stick with overdosing. I've already bought the tablets. Later on tonight Imma go to the park then drink a lot of alcohol and tablets. Hopefully I won't wake up again.

A/N: suicide is never the answer. It's an easy escape yes but it's not the best escape. Everyone has felt suicidal at some stage in life. It's a strong and overwhelming feeling. Leaves you feeling useless and hopeless, like you don't matter. But you do. You more important than you realize. You change lives of people who act like they don't see you. You make people happy. Everyone is different and everyone deserves love and acceptance. Never give up. No matter how painful, don't give up. There's a million things to live for than to die for. Positivity is growth 🌱❤️
If you are feeling depressed speak to someone.🙏

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