little bit of hope:

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Two years later:

John came into my life and made everything better again. He gave me hope, gave me courage. He showed me that there's more to live for than to die for. We've had our ups and downs and we've had our fair share of fights and arguments. Our relationship was rocky at the beginning. I didn't know if I could trust him but he earned it. He broke my before and I'm still scared he'll do it again but until then I just need to have faith in him and in our love.  It's Sunday today. I stopped going to church after Dora's death but John got me believing in God and going to church. Like I said he changed my life. We've been together for three years. I moved in with him in our second year of dating. My poor Aunt didn't want to let me go. I swear she feels lonely. After Jess and i broke up, porn pictures and videos of Jess and Tommy was spread all over social media. That sure as hell didn't help his career but ey be careful what you do with your phone!! His whole life was shattered and I knew I couldn't help him coz he bought this on himself. His mom sent him to rehab. I'm not sure what happened afterwards because we lost contact...good riddance! My Aunt was retired now. She owns an orphanage and takes in as much kids as possible. Well as for me life is finally starting to make sense. I graduate in a few days and after that real life begins. I'm going to study psychology and sociology in university. I had gotten a bursary from an unknown company to continue my studies. Me and John owned a café around the corner and a restaurant in 7 avenue. I wanted to help people. Stop depressed. Give people hope.
"I am a mountain
I am a tall tree
I am a swift wind, sweeping the country
I am a river, down the valley
I am a vision and I can see clearly
If anybody asks you who I am...
Stand up tall look them in the face and tell them
I'm that star up in the sky
I'm the mountain peak up high
Hey I made it
I'm the world's greatest
I'm that little bit of hope when my back's against the walls
I can feel it I'm the world's greatest"
Sometimes all you need is someone to believe in you in order for you to believe in yourself. I'm finally using my full potential. My whole life I've been broken..more times than I can remember but he's numbed all the pain and I know there's still more pain to come my way but as long as John is with me I swear I'll get through it all.

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