Wow, just wow...

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He has the kind of smile that makes your panties drop. Yeah, that smile. It all started when he took my arm while we waited to walk down the aisle together. As soon as I touched him I felt...something. He looked at me surprised, like he also felt it, then he shook his head and gave me the sexiest smile I have ever seen.

His names Leo Baker and he's in town from Chicago for our mutual friends wedding. He's a former coworker and good friend of Oliver's. Ollie just married one of my best friends and coworker Lily. I'm pretty sure Leo and I were paired together because Lily's playing match maker.

"Hello gorgeous. I'm Leo. You must be Emma."

"That's right."

"Tell me Emma, do you have a date for this shindig or are you flying solo?"

"No date."

"Are you capable of giving anything other than two word answers?"

"Very funny."

He raises and eyebrow at me and smiles.

I roll my eyes at him in return.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"Yes, I did. What are you going to do about it?"

For some reason this guy has me on edge. I've never reacted to a man like this in my life. Him touching me and looking at me the way he is has me flustered and very turned on.

"Now honey, don't go asking questions like that unless you really want the answer."

"And what makes you think I don't really want the answer?"

He turns and leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Because your cheeks have gone all pink and your pulse is going crazy right here on the side of your neck," he reaches up and traces his finger along me neck. "That along with the way your breathing just changed. You're either incredibly turned on, scared out of your mind or a little bit of both. So which is it?"

Just then someone shouts that it's time. The doors to the backyard are opened and thankfully I don't have to answer him.

Of course I cry through the vows. Ollie and Lily both wrote beautiful words to show just how much they love and appreciate each other. With everything they've endured they both deserve all the happiness in the world.

When the ceremony is over I'm forced to walk back down the aisle with Leo and again my body reacts in a very strong way. Damn this guy! When we make it to the end I quickly excuse myself so I don't have to talk to him. And I manage to keep my distance until its time for the wedding party to dance. Part of me wants to run into the bathroom and hide but I suck it up and go onto the dance floor.

Leo walks up to me and holds out his hand without saying anything. As I take his hand I watch his face to see if he has any reaction to our touch. There's no change to his expression but his eyes go dark. If I'm not mistaken I'm having an effect on him also.

He pulls me close and keeps my one hand in his while his other hand goes around my waist. My dress has an open back design and his hand is on my bare skin. I close my eyes at his touch and when I open them a second later I see him watching me but he doesn't say anything. He just pulls me closer and we dance in silence for a moment.

I look around at everything and take a minute to really appreciate how beautifully put together it all is. We're in a clear tent outside our friend Andrew's house. There are white lights everywhere and lots of greenery and earth tones. It's early October here in Cincinnati so the nights can get cool but they've placed heaters in the tent so everyone's comfortable. Lily looks absolutely stunning in her gown and you can't even tell she's pregnant. It's still very early on and the baby isn't due until very late spring. All of us girls are wearing amazing rust colored velvet gowns with open backs and plunging necklines. And the men all look incredibly handsome in there suits. Especially Leo. God he's gorgeous with his light brown hair and stunning green eyes. He catches me staring at him.

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora