Most Definitely Not Fine...

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Things are going well with Emma and I. We see each other a couple of times a week and talk or text almost every day. We haven't put a label on what's happening between us but we're both having a good time and things seem to be heading towards something serious.

I struggle with how that makes me feel. Some days I'm beyond happy with the thought of having a future with Emma. Then other days it scares the shit out of me and it makes me feel guilty. I've kept those thoughts to myself. For now I'm just enjoying our time together.

Thanksgiving with my family was crazy and loud as always but it was good to see everyone.

Since I haven't seen Emma since the beginning of last week I decide to suprise her at work on Monday. I walk in to the lobby of there offices and Lily's there talking to the receptionist.

"Leo!" She gives me a hug. "I'm guessing you're not here to see me."

"Sorry, Lil. I thought I would see if Emma wanted to grab a quick lunch."

"She's in a meeting right now but she should be done in a few and then she should be free. Can I get you a drink while you wait?"

"No, I'm good. Thank you."

I sit and go through my emails while I wait. About ten minutes later I hear Emma talking to someone as she comes down the hall.

"It's no problem. We planned this before everything happened and as long as you're okay with it then I am too."

"I am. I've always loved your work and we're both adults."

She's with David.

He leans down and kisses her cheek. As he does he sees me and gives me a little smirk. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yes, eleven o'clock."

"It was good seeing you Emma. You look beautiful as always." Then he turns and walks out the door. Emma just stands there for a minute and then she turns.

"Leo!" She comes over to me as I stand. She goes up on her toes and kisses me. "What are you doing here? Everything okay?"

I just look down at her. Is she going to pretend I didn't just see her making plans with her ex?

"I thought maybe you would like to get lunch. But maybe not?"

She arches her eyebrow at me."I would love to. Come back to my office while I get my things."

I follow her back. David was right she does look beautiful. Did she dress today knowing she was going to see him? She's in a skin tight, long, black and white skirt that shows off her tiny waist. Not to mention what it does for that delicious ass of hers. Shes paired it with a tight, long sleeved white top and heels. Looking at her I suddenly feel like its been months not just a week since I was last inside her.

I follow her into her office and as she goes to her desk I close and lock the door. She looks up and when she sees what I've done she gives a little smile and shakes her head.

"What are you doing Leo?"

I walk slowly towards her. "Why was the Doctor here?"

She puts her hands on her hips and cocks her head to one side. "For work. He wanted me to redecorate his living room and office before we broke up and he asked if I would still be willing to do it."

I make it around her desk and I'm standing in front of her with my hands in my pockets.

"I'm guessing by what I heard that you agreed to do it."

"Yes. I already did most of the planning and I was really excited about some of my ideas so I would like to see it through."

I don't like the idea. The look he gave me when he saw me leads me to believe that he's planning something.

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now