Worst Fear...

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An hour has passed and I still haven't heard from Emma. I'm starting to worry. I text Lily and ask if she's heard from her. My phone rings a few minutes later.

"Hey Leo, whats going on? I haven't talked to her since we left her parents house. Is everything okay?"

"I told her to let me know when she made it home but I haven't heard from her yet. I tried her cell phone but nobody answered. I'm starting to worry. Do you know her dads number?"

"No I don't have it on me. It's in a file at work because her parents are her emergency contact."

"She might of just ended up hanging out longer than she planned. I'll keep trying her cell. If I don't hear something soon then we'll figure something out. If you hear anything let me know please."

"I will. You do the same."

"I will. Thanks."

I try her cell again as I pace back and forth in my living room. I have a horrible feeling that something happened.

About another twenty minutes go by when my phone rings and I see her name on the screen.

"Thank god Emma. I thought something happened to you."


"James? What happened. Is Emma okay?"

"Leo there's been an accident." At those words my knees go week and I have to sit. This can't be happening. "Emma was hit by a drunk driver. She lost consciousness at the scene but she's awake now. She's pretty banged up and may need surgery for her leg but they think she's going to be okay."

"What hospital is she at?"


"I'm on my way." I hang up and grab my keys and run out the door.

I keep telling myself that she's okay but I won't believe it until I see her for myself. On my way to the hospital I call Lily and tell her what's going on. I tell her I'll let her know more once I get there.

I walk into the hospital and when they tell me where to go I head back. When I walk in the room I see them giving her stitches on her face. She has blood on her face and I can see she's already starting to bruise. When she looks up and sees me she starts to cry. I rush to her and take her hand as they continue to stitch her up.

When the doctor finishes he says someone will be in shortly to take her to get an xray of her leg.

Her dad goes to the other side of the bed and kisses her forehead. "I'm going to give you two a minute and go get some coffee. Leo would you like some?"

"Yes, thank you."

Once he leaves the room I lean down and lightly kiss Emma's lips. I'm careful because I don't know where all she's hurt.

"How bad is it?"

"Stitches in my face, some burns on my hand from the airbag. Bruises on my face and chest. I'm very sore but I don't have any broken ribs. My legs the worst. It got pinned. I woke up to the firemen pulling me out. The doctors think I might need surgery but they aren't sure."

I rest my forehead against hers. "I was scared something happened when you didn't call me and then you wouldn't answer your phone. When your dad called I swear my heart stopped."

"I'm so sorry Leo. I know this is what you've been worried about. But I'm okay."

She's right. This is what I've been scared of. The pain I felt at the words that there had been an accident. In that moment my heart stopped and the pain was unreal. I can see she's okay but what if she wasn't? What if next time the outcome is different? Can I live throught that? I don't know.

I can't worry about that right now. Right now I just need to make sure shes okay.

"Dont worry about me. You are all that matters right now. Can I do anything for you?"

"Can you call Lily and let her know what's going on. Have her call Millie and Kate please. I wasn't panning on going back to work until Monday so I have some time to recover before I have to worry about that."

"I've already talked to Lily to let her know that there was an accident but yes I'll call her back to update her and make sure she's called the others."

Just then someone comes in to take her to xray. I sit in the chair and put my head in my hands. Before I know it the tears are falling. I feel someone sit next to me and when I look up I see that it's Emma's dad. He remains quiet and hands me the coffee he brought back. I take a sip and then hold the cup in my hands as collect myself.

"I'm in love with your daughter."

"I know."

"Has she told you why we aren't together?"

"She always felt more comfortable talking her mom about those kinds of things but Amelia always filled me in. So yes I know."

"Do you think I'm horrible?"

He turns and looks at me. "Not at all. Before Amelia passed away I had sympathy for what you were going through, but now? I completely understand. I can't even imagine falling in love again and if it were to ever happen the thought of having to go through that kind of loss again is unthinkable." He pauses a moment. "But. What I felt for Amelia is beyond words. She made me feel alive and she brought so much joy to my life. She was so out of my league but she loved me anyway. If I were to ever find that again? I think the rewards of that kind of love would out way any fear I had. To be loved like that and love someone like that is all any of us can ask for in this life. It makes all the other bullshit worth it." He takes a drink of his coffee before going on. "So if you're lucky enough to be loved by two amazing women in your lifetime then you better enjoy it. Some people never find one great love. Leo, do what you need to do to get your head on straight and then go make my baby girl happy. She deserves it and so do you."

I think about what he says for a minute and then I answer the only way I can.

"Yes sir."

Just then Emma is wheeled back in the room. The doctor should be in soon to go over the xray. While her dad and her are talking I excuse myself to go call Lily.

I fill Lily in and tell her I'll update her once I know if she needs surgery or not. She tells me to hold on because Oliver wants to talk to me.

"Hey man. How you holding up?"

"I'm okay."

"Are you sure? I know that wasn't an easy phone call for you to get."

I let out a shaky laugh. "No it wasn't. But I'm okay. I had a good talk with Emma's dad. I'm okay, I promise."

"Okay. Just let us know if there's anything we can do for Emma or you."

"I will. Thanks man."

I hang up and and see the doctor walking into Emma's room. Time to see if surgery is needed or not.

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now