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It's New Years Eve and I haven't seen Leo in person for a week and a half. He's picking me up early so we can check into our room before going to the party. I do my hair and makeup but I decide to wait to put my dress on at the hotel. So for now I'm in jeans and button down sweater. My bag's packed and I'm waiting, not so patiently, for Leo. I've missed him.

He rings the doorbell and when I open it and he steps inside I launch myself at him. He catches me and kisses me.

"Well that's a greeting I could get use to. Hello, gorgeous."

"Hello, Leo." I give him a quick kiss and then he sets me down.

He looks good as always. He's also dressed casual in jeans and a sweater. "Just let me grab my bag and dress and then I'm ready to go."

"I'll get your bag."

"Thanks." I lock up and we're on our way.

"Was Winnie happy to see you?" I ask as he pulls down the street.

"Yes she was. I took her home and let her sleep with me last night but then I had to drop her right back off at Oliver's. Since his parents are watching Olivia and Milo they offered to keep Winnie too."

"That was nice of them."

"How was your flight home?"

"It was fine. I was exhausted by the time I got home. I passed right out."

"Yeah, same for me. When I got home I was beat." We're almost to the hotel when he asks me,"Hey. Em, I have a favor to ask. If you're uncomfortable with the idea and don't want to do it that's totally fine. I'll understand."

"What's the favor?"

"As you know the opening of Cassie's Hope is coming up and we're doing the big party for all of those who donated and who will be working there. We're making a pretty big deal out of it and we're having a band. Everyone at the foundation knows I sing and they make me perform at every function. I was wondering if you would sing too? I mean your voice is incredible and I'm not really sure why you don't sing more."

I feel my cheeks heat. "Thank you. I sang in high school and college. It's something I love to do but I quickly realized I had to be practical and pursue a more stable career. But, I would love to sing at the party."

"Good. Thank you."

We check in at the hotel and run into Oliver and Lily on our way to our room. They're snuggled together laughing. They look so relaxed and happy.

"Hey you two. I see you're enjoying your baby free evening." I hug Lily as Leo shakes Oliver's hand.

Lily gives me a serious look. "I love our daughter, but, hell yes we are."

I just laugh. "Where are you two off to?"

"Back to our room to get dressed. We were just in Millie and Hunters room having a drink. See you guys downstairs in a little bit?" Oliver asks.

"Yeah, see you there." Leo picks our bags back up and we head to our room.

I start rummaging through my bag for my make-up case. "Do you need in the bathroom before I go touch up my make-up and hair?"

"No I showered before I got you. All I need to do is throw on my tux."

"Okay, I won't be long." I go take care of business and freshen up. When I come back out Leo is buttoning up his shirt. "You look nice. I like you in a tux." I give him a quick kiss. "I prefer you naked but a tux is pretty nice too."

As I start to step back he grabs me around the waist. "You want me naked? Just say the word." He kisses my neck and I'm very tempted to give into him.

"I would love nothing more but dinner will be served soon. We can't be late."

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें