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"Hey, crazy eyes what's wrong with you?"

You opened your eyes to see Bakugou squatting down in front of you with his eyebrows furrowed. Relief. Bakugou seemed like the only non-scary thing in the world. Even though the pedestrians seemed scary to you, Bakugou seemed normal. Before you even realized it you sprang onto Bakugou's arm squeezing as tight as you possibly could in fear of losing the comfort he brought you.

"The fuck do you think you're doing dumbass?! Get off of me!"

Bakugou tried to shake you off by springing to his feet but your body just followed suit and stood up as well.

"Please......Bakugou......everything is so......scary."

You tightened even more on Bakugou's arm as you looked into his eyes, your own eyes welling up in tears.

"What are you a baby? There isn't anything scary."

Bakugou yanked his arm from your grasp and you felt everything rush at you again even more than last time. The hold of Bakugou that you had before helped, everything dulled down with his arm in your grasp, but now with his arm gone everything was worse.


Your body was shaking so much now that you could barely reach out towards Bakugou, let alone grab him.

"Tch what's wrong with you? Why are you being such a baby?"

Just as you felt things couldn't get any worse, words rang through your head.

"Y/N, Bakugou are you ok?"

It was Mr.Aizawa. But his voice was not reassuring, it was scary. As you saw him come into view you noticed that he was as horrifying as everything else.


You shouted and went back to your crouched position that you were in before, although it didn't help at all, you could still hear everything and feel as if things were moving.

"Y/N what's wrong?"

You felt a hand touch your shoulder and you flung yourself away. You opened your eyes and it was Aizawa who had touched you.


You shouted at Aizawa when he tried to get close to you again. He stopped, in confusion and looked to Bakugou.

"What? I don't know what's wrong with her! The only thing I know is that three guys randomly attacked us out of nowhere and the next thing I know is she is latching one to me and crying like a baby that everything is scary!"

Aizawa was more confused than before.

"Latched on to you? She just ran away from me as if I was trying to kill her, and what do you mean by scary?"

"The hell should I know?! Ask her yourself!"

Aizawa focused back on you and you felt chills run down your spine. His gaze caused you to go into flight or fight mode and your body decided that flight was the best option in the moment as you ran and latched onto Bakugou again.

"Please don't Aizawa.....I- you're scary too."

You could barely manage a whisper.

"Get off me crazy eyes!"

Bakugou was trying to get you to let go again, but this time instead of him being able to pull away his arm, you wrapped your arms around him and buried your face in his back.


Bakugou was about to yank at your arms but stopped as he felt your shaking body tremble against his back.

"Tch what a baby"

"Bakugou did Y/N get hit by a quirk?"

Aizawa's voice, although it was still as frightening as before, it was quieter, normal volume even. Actually everything seemed to have quieted down back to normal volume.

"Eh? The only thing that happened was the dude biting her neck when he grabbed her."

"This must be the cause of a quirk then, which guy is it?"

"The one by himself over there."

You could feel Bakugou move with every breath he took as you focused and tried to match his breathing. Each breath you took you were greeted with the smell of sugar. As you felt your body shake less, you peaked around Bakugou's back not letting go of him to see Aizawa shaking the man who bit you awake.

"What's your quirk?"

Aizawa was literally shaking the man for answers and before long he came walking back to you and Bakugou, causing your body to tense up again.

Aizawa was literally shaking the man for answers and before long he came walking back to you and Bakugou, causing your body to tense up again

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Dumbass | Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now