Chapter 12

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Everything was dark. You could hear distant voices all around you but none that you recognised.


"Wake up" you heard a voice call from what seemed to be far away. "y/n, wakey wakey" there it was again only this time it seemed closer and more distinct. You felt your eyelids flutter as colour soon splashed into your vision. "ah, good to see you're still with us" the same voice spoke only this time it was followed by a rather familiar laugh. 

At last you could make out shapes of objects and people as you managed to fully open your eyes. Once your vision had returned you finally got to see who that voice belonged to and you weren't at all surprised. There, towering above you, stood Jerome in the same, gasoline covered, clothes from before. You felt a burning sensation wash over your head as you propped yourself up with the support of Jerome, who was simply staring at you as if waiting for you to say something. Your eyes connected with one another as you began getting feeling in the rest of your body.

"where am I?" Those were the first words to eventually escape your lips. Nothing around you seemed familiar at all; you were surrounded by fancy décor and rather expensive looking ornaments complete with distant, classical music echoing through the house.

"This, gorgeous, is none other than Theo Galavan's house" Jerome spoke with such pride it almost made you giggle. "I see... so why did you bring me here? In such a violent way might I add" your tone dropped as you finished speaking to assure Jerome knew how unhappy you were with everything. 

"Right, yeah sorry about that, Greenwood isn't the most gentle" he nodded his head towards the closed door to where this Greenwood supposedly was. "And the reason you are here is because you agreed to be partners in crime, remember?" You simply stared at Jerome who was now watching you with eager eyes.

"No. No I did not agree. In fact I even said no when you asked me" you were beginning to grow frustrated with him now. "But then I asked you again did I not?" Jerome began smiling like an idiot. "yes Jerome." you sighed in response "and you never said no that time" was he actually being serious right now? Jerome must've always gotten his way before.

"I never said yes either. I didn't say anything because Alice burst in.. remember" you mimicked Jerome's voice while trying to remain firm with him. "Buttt you were going to say yes" Jerome's smile grew even wider as you gave up trying to argue with him. It was honestly like trying to explain something to a clueless child who would never understand.

After waking up and getting to grips with your new surroundings you remembered the whole reason why you had ended up in this situation. "Shit!" Jerome turned to look at you puzzled "the explosion" you almost seemed to be talking to yourself until you directed your attention towards Jerome.

"What happened?! Is everyone okay. Alice? Jim?" Jerome rolled his eyes and sighed almost as if he was disappointed with what you said. "yes they're all fine. I think" he said bluntly. "YOU THINK?!" you raised your voice, jumping up out of the bed you were lying on. Jerome almost instantly jumped up too, ushering you back down "ok they're alright" he sighed, laying you back down.
You looked up at him with suspicion but knew there was nothing you could do other than to trust him at that point; you had no idea where your phone was or where this house was situated, the most you knew was that you were in the maybe- soon to be- mayor's rather posh house along with the Maniax who consisted of former Arkham inmates who could do god knows what to you and a practically insane 'boyfriend' who may or may not be said boyfriend. What could go wrong?


A few hours had passed and the only person you had come into contact with was Jerome; he would pop in every now and then to check up on you, most likely to make sure you hadn't found a way to escape.

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