( 𝟎𝟒𝟎 ) finding out answers

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ALYSSA DIDN'T LEAVE with Scott, she went home with Derek, and had fully intended to stay there with him, instead of going back home with Scott to deal with the aftermath of his mom finding out about what they were. She was completely heartbroken at the fact Scott had been going behind her back the entire time - he had been betraying her brother this whole time. So, back at her old house, she felt like she was right back at the start again, not speaking to either Scott nor Stiles, and being back on her brothers side yet again. It felt strange, being home again, her actual home, instead of the abandoned subway station that her brother had been holed up in since he became the alpha - instead of staying with Derek, she headed out of the room and back to her old bedroom, where a sleeping bag was still on the floor, along with some of her belongings that had been left since the first time they had to leave the house. She sighed, looking at the bag, before she felt a presence in her bedroom doorway.
"You have got to be kidding me." Alyssa groaned, turning around and seeing her uncle in the flesh, with his throat in tact. "How are you alive right now?" She asked, wondering why the hell he was currently standing in front of him instead of under their floorboard; how was he alive right now?

"With great difficulty, I assure you." Peter told her, a sly smile on his face as he looked at his niece. Coming back to life was something he knew he would be able to do; he made that possible by biting Lydia on the night of their school dance, and because of that, he was able to come back.

Alyssa rolled her eyes at her uncle, moving past him and heading down the stairs to tell Derek who was in this house with them, and Peter was following closely behind, walking slowly with his hands in his pockets. "Derek!" Alyssa called out, walking into the living room and gaining his attention, "What the hell is this? Did you do something?" She asked her brother, motioning towards their uncle who had walked into the room after her.

Derek grabbed Alyssa and pushed her aside, allowing him to throw a part of his mirror at Peter, hoping to cut him in some way - but Peter caught it with little effort, the shard just about to pierce his throat. "I expected a slightly walmer welcome from the two of you." Peter told his niece and nephew, tutting in disapproval. "But point taken.. It's quite a situation you two have got yourselves in here, kids. I mean, I'm out of commission for a few weeks and suddenly there's lizard people, geriatric psychopaths, and you're cooking up werewolves out of every self-esteem-deprived adolescent in town." He continued, naming all of the things Derek had done wrong during these times he had been dead.

Alyssa shrugged, "That was all Derek, actually." She spoke up, rolling her eyes at how Peter was blaming both of them when in reality, it was just her brother whom had done all of that.

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