of settling and acceptance

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you think you are hard to love,
but you don't see you like how I see you
you think I cannot accept you,
but I've always been waiting for you


Maddie and her family talked for a long time afterwards. Honestly, I felt like an intruder in it all. I felt like I was listening to a conversation I shouldn't have, but I also wanted to be there for Maddie.

She was good at hiding how she truly felt, but through the short time that we've been together, I've been slowly able to decode the subtle signals she sent.

It was already midnight when they finished talking and I was only glad that everything turned out to fine. Maddie's parents didn't want to accept her at first, they thought she was lying and I could see how much it hurt her. All I could do was tell her to be strong.

Cassian and Maddie's mother, Sharon was walking with her daughter to lead us to the room we would be using when her father, Phil was walking beside me. He turned to me with a smile.

"I'm glad it's you Chase," he started and I looked at him confusedly, "I'm glad you're Maddie's mate." he clarifies and that made me happy.

"She's a tough one, I'll admit." I tease him and we both laugh.

After a while we finally arrive in front of a door and that's when I realized. They only prepared one room for us both.

We never shared a room. The only time we even were on the same bed was on a hospital bed.

Sharon hugged her daughter tightly. "I want to catch up with you more, but you must be tired. Your dad and I will wait for you tomorrow, we have a lot to talk about, places to go to and people to meet, alright?" she tells her with a smile and fixing Maddie's hair.

Maddie nodded innocently at the face of new motherly love that she probably was never able to receive. I'm glad I'm able to witness all these sides of her.

"Yes, m-mom." she struggled to say and then blushed shyly, clearly not used to the term. Seeing that made me smile. Isn't she just adorable?

"Good night you two." Cassian says and we bid them all farewell.

When they left, Maddie and I entered the room. The room was a spacious and had everything we would need. Cassian really prepared for this.

I saw our small luggages beside the door and I went to carry them. We were going to stay here for a few days and that's why I had to bring some of my work here.

Everything that's been happening was too much to handle all at once and I was getting behind on some work. I was thankful when I noticed a mini office at one corner of the room.

I watched as Maddie opened her luggage to take out some clothes. She's most likely unaware that we were sharing this room for a few days.

Although the idea was the most welcomed, I knew I was going to have a hard time and Maddie will most likely be unsuspecting.

"I'm going to take a shower first." she says and smiled my way, her eyes puffy from all the crying but she still looked the best.

I nodded. As for me, I decided to take some of my paper work out and set them at the office table.

After a while, Maddie came out the shower, water dripping down her auburn fiery hair and she was wearing a shirt and shorts as pyjamas.

'Alright, learn some self control.' I remind my wolf.

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