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"Come on Leah, they'll be here soon" Connor shouted up the stairs to me.

I couldn't believe this day had finally come. It felt like just last week that I spilt that coffee all over his shoes. Actually it felt like just last week that I was sitting in my room, spending hours on end messaging my friends and watching YouTube videos on repeat all night long. That's what makes being in the position I am today so serial and all the more amazing and unbelievable.

It's been a long and difficult road with a lot of twists and bumps, but I'm glad it was long and difficult because if just one of those bumps had not been there, I might not be where I am today. I might not be living in one of the greatest cities in the world. I might not be married to most incredible man walking this earth today, and I might not be standing here now on the day of our daughters first birthday party, as happy and as proud as I am of my life.

Looking back at it now, I can remember the journey to here so clearly, it seems almost like a movie running through my head...

Spilt coffee - A Connor Franta FanficWhere stories live. Discover now