Chapter 9

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---Kind of graffic descriptions. Suicide---

I ran into Admin, where Sam was staring with wide eyes at Barracks. She had her hand to her mouth, which was trembling.

Barracks was slumped on the ground, groaning as he bled out from a whole in his chest. He was holding a gun. He had shot himself.

He had hit his head with the Admin table as he had fallen, which was evident because of the bruise forming rapidly on his forehead and the blood on the corner of the table.

I pressed the emergency button on my jacket, alerting everyone they should come into the cafeteria. They all filed into the room, confused. Kate and Ali had their medical bag in hand. They immediately tended to Barrack, taking him to medical and hooking him up to one of seven blood supplements. Barrack seemed out cold, obviously from too much blood loss. We all went to Cafeteria and sat around the main table.

"Where was everybody?" Jacks said, serious. So was everyone else. We all seemed shocked, still at loss of words. 

"We were all separated." Aron said, shaking his head. "Dean was getting the Windex and the whispers. I was getting the brooms. Kate was getting the fruit while Ali was getting the proteins. Cain was already cleaning the kitchen. You and Jacks, I don't know."

"We were separated. I was getting us a snack, Jacks was in Navigation." I said. Jacks nodded.

"So when Barracks was killed, everyone was separated," Dean said, shaking his head. 

"He's not dead yet." Kate cut in.

"Yet." Cain said. "Look at him. Bullet and blow? Its a miracle he's still alive right now."

"It looks like a suicide," Ali muttered,shocked.

"Oh my god." Sam said, sinking into her chair. "Why would he do that?"

"I don't know." Jacks said. "I guess he realized he was a loner. It was obvious from the start, he hated us. I guess that was it."

"That's so weird though. if he was like that, why didn't he say something?" I asked.

"Again, I don't know-"

"Hey, you guys?" Kate said. "Barrack's awake."

We all rushed to Med, where Barracks was laying there, eyes wide open and staring at the ceiling.

"You okay?" I asked. Barracks didn't respond. "Two blinks for yes. One for no."

He blinked once.

"Why? Why would you shoot yourself?" Kate asked. Barracks said nothing. He lightly shook his head. Then he inhaled and whispered. I leaned in.

"Someone did this." He managed. I barely heard the words, nearly illegible, but a chill ran up my spine the second  I understood. I looked at everyone in shock.

"What?" Cain asked, uneasy.

"Someone did this." I repeated. Everyone seemed to react in different ways. A few shook their heads. Others looked at each other suspiciously. I was still in shock, as was Jacks and Ali.

"Who?" Jacks managed. Barracks lifted his hand, shaking. It scanned the room, along with Barrack's eyes, once.

Then it fell, limp, to the floor. 

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