Chapter 10

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Nobody said anything for a long, long time. 

Kate burst into soft sobs. Dean and Aron helped her out of the room as she broke into more desperate cries.

"What's up with her?" Cain said, almost rolling his eyes. Nobody said anything.

Aron returned a second later, holding Barrack's diary. "They were dating."

"Oh." Cain said, immediately growing somber. "I didn't know. I'm sorry."

"What's wrong with you?" I said, angry. Cain shook his head, leaning on the wall.

"I don't know. This whole thing-"

"I get what you mean." Jacks said.He sighed and stood up form the med-bay table. Barrack's limp body was still there, now covered respectfully by a white sheet. The sheet was stained red with his blood. 

We all went into our rooms, where Kate was sobbing in a corer. We sat at our beds, shocked at the day's events.

"I can't believe it. He's dead." I said, baffled. "And someone did this."

"No." Sam said, shaking her head. "He probably lied. That seemed like a suicide."

"Barrack would never lie." Kate managed from her bed.

"How do you know?" Cain said.

"I knew Barrack. You didn't." She answered, wiping her tears. She seemed angry, ready to fight Cain if he insulted Barracks again. "Stop disrespecting him."

"Okay, okay." Cain said. "Well, if he wasn't lying, then someone killed him. He's gotta be hiding somewhere."

The second he said that, I knew he was wrong. There was no extra person on this ship. They would have had to be put under in order to survive takeoff, and that was nearly impossible. Security was way to tight.We would have heard them, noticed the food missing, something. I began growing uneasy as the idea slowly grew in my mind. 

They had to be one of the crew. 

The idea terrified me. One of the people in front of me had murdered Barrack. But why?

"I'm going to search." Cain said, obviously desperate to do something. The mood in this room was so sad, so heavy, I wanted to get up and search, too. But It would be a waste of time. 

"You won't find anyone out there." I said from my bed. Cain and everyone else looked at me. 

"Why is that?" Cain said, raising his eyebrows.

"The murderer isn't out there." I said, scanning the room for a reaction. Everyone just seemed confused. "The murderer is among us."

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