Chapter 12

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"He's using the vents," I said, bursting into the dorms.

"What?" Cain exclaimed, eyes wide.

"The bastard used the vents to get away," I said. "That's why Sam didn't see anyone go in or out."

"Except you," Sam said, eyes narrowing.

"Woah Woah Woah," I said, backing up. "I didn't kill her!"

"You could have killed her and pretended to see she was dead so Sam wouldn't suspect," Cain said. "Self-report."

"I don't know how to prove to you guys, but I didn't do it!" I said.

"I believe her." Jacks said from his cot. Everyone turned to him as he sighed. "We both know how to read each other. She knows when I'm nervous, scared, happy. So do I. Either shes a mastermind that can somehow control her tics, which I think is nearly impossible, or she's telling the truth."

"Thank you," I said.

Jacks nodded. "When you came out of there, you were more shaken than me. Your eyes were darting around, you... Well, you can't fake that kind of emotion. And right now you were showing all signs of telling the truth."

"Stay in your pairs, you guys," Aron said. I nodded. Apparently, almost all of the pairs had separated at around the time Kate died, which meant there was no way of knowing for sure where everyone was. "Now do your tasks."

Jacks and I headed to Navigation. We were incredibly close to Planet X. We were already beginning to slow down or we would miss it. 

After some silence, I spoke up, turning to him. "Thanks for sticking up for me back there. Who knows what they would have done to me if they thought I was guilty."

"You aren't guilty though, right?" Jacks asked. He got up from his chair and approached me.

"No," I said. His eyes narrowed.

"Then why are you so nervous?" He said.


Ever since I had first laid eyes on him, I had had a crush on him. Cliche love at first sight. But we were paired together, and he didn't show any signs of loving me back. So I had played it cool.

And now I had to admit my crush or probably be ejected from this stupid ship.

"Cause you make me nervous," I answered, my face slightly red. He laughed softly, figuring out my little masquerade.

"Why?" He grabbed my hand, smirking, and my breath caught. My mind raced.

"Cause you're hot?" I squeaked. He stopped to look at me, his smirk fading. Then he laughed.

"You think I'm hot?" He asked, grinning wider.

"Yes?" I managed. He laughed even louder.

"Well, I don't know why you kept that little bit of info from me so long." He said. "I like you too."

"Liar," I said immediately. No way he liked me. Me? The scrawny co-pilot? Average, not pretty me? He rolled his eyes as if I was being stubborn. But I wasn't. There was no way he liked me. He was just saying that to mess with me. Some form of manipulation, maybe?

"You don't believe me?" Before I could answer, he kissed me. 

I guess that was his way of confessing, and I guess he had thought it out. The fire in his touch was not a lie. I kissed him back. He pulled away after some time. 

"I guess we should have confessed sooner, huh?" He said. 

I laughed and kissed him again.

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