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Hey yall!

Oh my god, I can not believe how much this blew up! My count is super small, and I honestly expected this to be lost like my other books, but 5K! Thats flipping amazing!

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me this whole time. It was super fun writing this book, and now, it has ended.

Or has it?

* * *

I have no idea how I landed the ship. I could barely stand, barely think, barely even blink.

The only thing that kept me going was Jacks. He was dead, sure, but he had died so that I didn't.

I wasn't going to kill myself and waste his life like that.

Sure, I would probably live the rest of my life depressed, alone, and in shock, but it was something.

I stood at the opening doors, still a bit hesitant. They opened slowly to reveal a crowd of people, cheering. Aron and Dean were among them, yelling my name. They broke through the crowd, both with casts and bruises, but very much alive.

They hugged me tightly, crying. I didn't cry back, I just hugged them hesitantly, still in shock.

They were alive.

They were here, alive and hugging me. But  I had no more emotion, no more energy left, so all I could do was stand there, arms slightly touching their backs. Old me would have cried, laughed, maybe kissed them on the cheek in celebration.

But old me was gone now, and new me could simply not feel. Without joy, there was no sadness.  I preferred the nothingness I was currently feeling over the painful shattering of my heart I had felt on the ship.

"Where's Cain?" Aron asked. I shook my head and I watched as Aron finally registered the blood on my suit. I had not bothered to clean it. I didn't care about it, or anything else anymore. 

"What about Jacks?" Dean said as Aron backed away. I shook my head too, and I watched as Aron gestured to my blood and Dean backed away. 

"El? You killed them?" Aron whispered, his eyes watering.

I looked at him, speechless. I couldn't speak, I couldn't cry, I couldn't move. My head shook ever so slightly, but it wasn't enough to convince them. 

The blood was, though.

So now, I was chained to a hospital bed, accused of killing my crew. 

I still couldn't speak or defend myself. There was physical proof I was the villain.  Cain and Jack's blood on my spare suit would have been enough, but they also found my glove prints on the radioactive elements the investigation crew found.

"The Invest Crew's back again," Dean said, bursting through the tent's flap and letting in a stream of warm sunlight. I closed my eyes, lowered the spoon I was using to eat some soup with, and drank it up longingly, then looked at Aron.  He had been sitting next to me for a while now, keeping me company as I waited for my trial. He looked up from his newspaper, eyebrow raised in an expecting manner.

"They found something,"Dean said, sitting down next to Aron. "I don't know what, but they're bringing it here." 

Sure enough, I heard a bunch of commotion from outside. A few people in grey suits, the police and investigation crew of the colony, burst through the tent, yelling at each other.

Suddenly, everything was drowned out. All I could hear was my pounding heart in my ears and my shallower breathing. I could barely register the yelling of the medics as they burst into the tent too, their white uniforms covered in red. 

My bowl slipped from my hands and shattered against the wooden floor.

But I didn't care. All I cared about was what they were carrying.

There, on their shoulders, bloody and groaning,

was Cain.

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