What is Charlate?

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Ophelia woke up slowly, fully engulfed in the warm sun. For once she didn't have anywhere to go or anyplace she needed to be. She stretched and felt her stomach growl lazily. Greedy Goblin. She didn't know how to cook, but maybe she could find something in the kitchen.

Cooking was one of the skill she never learned because she was the child of an Alpha team, or so she was told. So she never went through any of the basic skill training that most children received at some point.She really didn't have the skills to take care of herself in this way. She could kill almost anything in a matter of seconds but she could cook a sandwich.

She touched her comm-link, maybe she and Orion could figure it out, but she was met with an ear-piercing ring that caused her to recoil.Ouch. When she walked out to the dining area that separated most of the rooms she noticed his food was still under the silvery domes. She tapped on his door like she had seen the man who brought the food do the night before. It was possible he didn't understand either, so she decided to call his name through the door. When she heard no response she decided to just let him sleep, maybe he was more tired than she was, and wanted to have extra rest.

She finally gave up and made her way back to the kitchen. A bowl with strange colorful shapes sat on the counter and she started opening all the cabinets and drawers containing miscellaneous powders, spices and ingredients.

"Fl...flow...flow-ur," she said experimentally. "Milk, eegs."

She wrinkled her nose remembering some of her schooling. The breast milk of a cow and unfertilized chicken embryo's. No thank you, she thought as she closed to front of the cold cabinet once again. There was nothing ready to eat so she would have to make it herself.

How could she make charlate?

She grabbed everything she could find that was brown. Somethings she knew the names of and other's that she didn't. There was molasses,cinnamon, chili powder and pepper. She added water and some "flow-ur"when she thought it was too dark. Now how could she warm it? The metal box had a screen for degrees but she couldn't figure out how to make it warm, but when she turned all the knobs some of them produced fire and so she transferred her mixture of a pot until it started to solidify.

Now she had to make the white sauce that went between the layers. She mixed flour, white sugar, baking powder and salt with water until it had to consistency of a paste before putting it all together. It didn't look exactly the same but it was close, and she sat down in at the table to enjoy her prize.

She knew something was slightly off from the way the white paste slowly oozed out from between the layers. It was much more dense and heavy than the one from the night before. It certainly didn't smell like the other one had either, but she wasn't sure exactly why. She didn't think too much about it and took a large bite.

It took a second for her self-satisfied smile to face and her face to turn red. It was hot. It burned like fire and gritty sweat. Her mouth was going from desert to lagoon and back again like a flickering light just before it goes dark forever. She coughed it back on the plate immediately. Water, she needed water, before the sweaty lava in her mouth destroyed her.

After what seemed like an eternity, and she felt like she could breathe,she called for Orion and again there was silence. She looked around the room searching for a call device, and grabbed the phone from a low table.

"Training Center Alpha, Identify." the voice on the other commanded.

"Ophelia, O2 Capital NAM Central, Beta Team," she said and waited.

The woman on the phone repeated her information back to her but before she could find out where the call needed to be transferred to the phone was handed off to a male voice.

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