The Art of Seduction

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"All-Father. Good afternoon, sir." Ophelia said as she answered the door noticing his state. "Is everything alright?"

He looked at the floor as he moved past her toward the nearest couch.

"Not really," he said leaning back. "Indira."

"My teacher? Is she here already? I thought you were going to have her come in a couple days." Ophelia said surprised.

"I was. She came early, and tried to seduce me in my own office." he said in disgust, "Quite poorly I must add."


That was when someone used a sexual component to try gaining something from someone.

Ophelia had stayed awake most of the night reading and learning about many different things. It was all so interesting to find out how much she didn't know and there was much more for her to still learn. The idea of expanding her knowledge was almost too enticing- even though she knew that many of the things she read about she would never be able to experience.

"Did you still want to pick out paintings today?" she asked, but she was almost certain she knew the answer. No.

"Of course we're still going, we just have to make it quick, because I now have somethings I'll need to take care of." he said annoyed at his current predicament.

How many people could he bring in for this sort of thing who weren't going to be clambering over themselves and vying for power as Indira had done?

He would just have to teach Ophelia himself. How to deceive, to lie and to do it convincingly. First she needed skills. Those that he couldn't teach her himself. He could figure out how to do it without Indira's help if he needed to.

"Oh," Ophelia said feeling a little disappointed, she wanted to experience as much as she could at the warehouse, but a little time was better than no time.

James looked at her expression, it was quite easy to read and she made no effort to disguise it. Then, he experience something he's only felt a handful of times in his life. He felt bad that she was disappointed, and he didn't want that.

"You know what? On second thought, I'll deal with that tomorrow. I've taken care of all my work for the day, and those things can wait until tomorrow. In fact, the whole world can wait until tomorrow. You will have me all to yourself for the next... 16 hours." he said with a nod.

"16 hours, sir?" Ophelia said, "But what about when you are tired?"

"Okay, well how about you just let me know when you've tired of my presence then?" he said with a smile. "I'll take care of everything else."


"Are you going to drive again today?" she asked, as they approached the oddly empty vehicle.

"I was planning on it, unless you'd like to try?" he asked.

"I think I prefer to live." she said seriously.

"As you wish, my dear." he said opening the door for her.

She never thought that the revered All-Father could be so strange at times, though he was from a different time. He said and did things that made her want to smile at times, even though she was quite uncomfortable to show that reaction. Other times, he just did things that she'd never seen anyone do. Like opening the door just now, or carrying her.

She'd seen some of those things in the movies they'd watched together, but she still didn't understand why. She wasn't important or special. Men and women almost always opened doors for him because he was important, but aside from the fact she wasn't infected anymore, she was just mundane.

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