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Ophelia opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. It wasn't the one she expected to see, and wasn't one she recognized. She remained still and listened to her surroundings. Wind, steady breathing and the sound of ticking. She didn't hear any movement so she sat up and let her bleary eyes adjust to the low light.

Bright moonlight streamed through a nearby window. There was a desk, a bed, and a garden. As her eyes further became accustomed to the light a small couch came into focus, there was someone asleep on it.

Inky black skin carved with faintly glowing lines like flashes of lightning that steadily grew brighter and silvery white hair that shimmered lightly.

She grimaced as she scooted herself to the edge of the bed to better study the garden on the other side of the glass. If that was James' garden then he must be the one sleeping on the couch, but she didn't remember coming here.

She got up feeling light-headed and unsure of her feet as she wobbled back and forth. Once again she was going to have to wake him up. He seemed more peaceful here than he had at her apartment. Maybe it was the proximity to his garden which he obviously cared a great deal about, or just being close to his own familiar things.

She'd never been near enough to study one of his kind up close. She'd seen them from a distance of course, but he must be special indeed to have so many markings on him. She couldn't remember ever seeing them on the others. These were special.

She traced one of the lines that ran down his neck, it felt almost too hot to touch and his eyes opened locking on hers. They were filled with the same blue fire she'd seen before. This time, however they were softer. Less the raging inferno and more quiet fireside chat in the middle of a deep winter. They were also filled with a confusion. Why was she touching him?

"James? Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," she said taking a step back. "What happened? Why am I here?"

"What's the last thing you do remember?" he asked clearing his throat as he sat up.

"I was running." she said.


"And nothing. I was running, and then I was here."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

"Well how do you feel now?" he asked after a second.

"Fine. Like I need to shower. I should get back to my living quarters. I'm sorry to take up your space." she said moving to leave.

"Wait. Hang on, just use my shower, please. I'll cook, you must be starving."

"Why?" she said without thinking. Did she just question the All-father? "I mean... you don't have to trouble yourself."

"You must be hungry, I've got clothes," he said walking over to a small closet and tossing some garments at her. "The towels are in the hallway, the shower is just past that. I'll be in the kitchen"

He seemed angry. She didn't exactly refuse, but questioning him was a stupid thing to do. Orion was right when he told her she needed to keep her mouth shut sometimes.


James paced back and forth in the kitchen. Why? Someone had the nerve to question him? Him. The ruler of the world. Humans were so ungrateful. Who did she think he was?

He could allow himself to believe that it was a perfectly reasonable and innocent question. Why should he take the time to care for her AND then cook for her? This was getting ridiculous. He was already going to be seeing her almost everyday. Training her, working with her. He should've just taken her to be treated like anyone who was halfway rational would have.

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