An Enemy of My Enemy

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Indira looked in the mirror, she wasn't sure how she felt about wearing a uniform and walking around a large amount of humans that she never would have known if she hadn't had to come here. The one upside, was that all the new people she would be around, didn't know of her delicate condition.

In her single week of living here one thing continued to bother her the more she thought about it. Iago.

She knew every Jelumme on the planet or at least, she was supposed to. How had she never seen, met or heard of him before? How could that be possible?

She'd been told that after the present defeated the future, all the tech for mission travel would be destroyed, that's what James had told them all. If that was the case how could Iago be Jelumme? It didn't add up.

She finally made her way toward the water plant. One of her co-workers came to see her the day before and even after an entire week of being around humans, she wasn't completely accustomed at their willingness to freely show or broadcast any of their emotions to someone they just met, and she would have to work with three of them.

They would be a "team" yet, she doubted that she would truly get along with any of them. As much as she hated to admit it, she had to try, or face her shame and possible imprisonment at the hands of her own people.

She spent the better part of her working hours in a daze. New information was thrown at her at an alarming rate, and for some reason, the other members of the team helped her keep up when she lagged behind. She wasn't sure why. When she asked, a girl with curly black hair piped up.

"You are only as strong as your weakest link!" she said proudly. "I've been learning the old sayings from before and that's one of them!"

She stayed close and chattered away throughout the rest of the day after that. Doing her best to be as helpful as she could to Indira. Rather than being completely annoyed, it was so consistent, that after a few hours it became part of the normal background noise. A couple times when the dark hared girl, Amy, went on break, Indira found herself feeling more at ease, when she finally reappeared.

When her shift was finally over Indira walked to cafeteria. The chime sounded as she made her way there and thoughts that would have bothered her before made their way into her mind. She wondered what Orion was up to and didn't hate the idea of talking to him again.

When the line started forming she didn't see him at all. It made her sudden good mood sour and she frowned as she looked at the people in the front of the line and the new people coming in. Just like before once she had her food, she stood awkwardly off to the side.

She didn't know where she could, or should, sit. She didn't have friends yet, and likely never would. So, she found a small deserted table off to one side and kept her head down as she tried to ignore the din of the other diners who talked and laughed with the ones they knew.

Eating alone gave her too much time to think. She felt embarrassed, like an outcast here all by herself, but for reasons she couldn't understand she felt too uncomfortable to just go up to a table and start talking to them. It was wasn't like her.

Among her own kind she never had a problem talking to anyone, even ones she didn't know well. However, no matter who it was, she still knew of them if she didn't know them personally. There were also more humans here than she'd ever seen and somehow they acted a lot like her own kind, but that couldn't be. She'd always been taught that humans were cattle, they didn't have anything to offer her kind aside from labor. Mindless, lower life-forms. Somehow today, one had helped her freely and it wasn't with any heavy lifting or something she didn't feel like doing.

She was lost in her own thoughts when a tray startled her out of them. She immediately sneered and stood ready to defend herself but it was Iago and he held his hands up in surrender.

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