Kozume Kenma x Reader - Gamer Guide

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It had all started when you had proudly shown Kenma your new fighting game. You weren't as large of a gamer as he was, but you thought that playing a game that he already had might give you more to talk about.

In a way, you were right. And yet....you were so wrong.

It had started innocently. Once you got the basics, Kenma had made sure you were aware of slightly harder skills like combo attacks.

You beat the first few levels relatively easily, but then you got stuck. Before you could even wonder what hadn't worked, Kenma had provided you with the answer.

"You're not attacking at the right times."

"Oh. Uh...thanks," you replied as you restarted the level.

And so the cycle continued.

"Don't forget to heal."

"You don't need that item."

"Make sure you're using your shield."

"You have to dodge faster."

"Kenma!" you exclaimed. "I appreciate the help, but could you just let me play?"

He frowned slightly. "But you keep dying."

"I know that. But it's kind of hard to concentrate with all of your comments."

"Sorry. I'll be quiet."

You restarted the level once again and raced toward the enemy to deliver a blow. The fight actually went a little better this time, but you felt your skin prickling.

Kenma was staring intensely at your screen, watching your every move. You could feel the pressure from his gaze and you dodged the wrong way. Right into the enemy's fist.

True to his word, your boyfriend said nothing. But you raised an eyebrow at him anyway. You knew what he would say as clearly as if it had been written on his forehead.

So you changed tactics.

"What are you doing?" Kenma asked as you lifted yourself from the couch.

"Going over here. My battery will die soon," you replied.

You settled yourself in the armchair, all the way across the room from him.

"Um....I can't see what you're doing over there."

"I thought I'd try it on my own for a bit. Is that okay?" you asked pointedly.

"I'm bothering you." It wasn't a question.

You sighed. "I know you're trying to help, Kenma. But it's a better experience if I figure it out on my own."

"It took me three days to beat the next boss. I don't want you to waste that time if I can help you do it."

"Three days?" you repeated. He nodded.

"Kuroo threatened to take it away from me."

"Okay, let me try it this way. Don't you remember how happy you were when you finally beat that boss? When you managed to finally outsmart him?"

He nodded again.

"That's what I want to do, Kenma. I don't care if it takes that long. I want the experience of figuring it out and doing it myself."

He mulled over this idea for a few minutes. "I understand. You can come back over now."

"I'd love to, but my battery really might die." You smiled apologetically. "After this level."

And with that, you started this horrible boss battle. Within a few moments you gritted your teeth.

Kenma fidgeted uncomfortably, unsure of what had happened. He could hear the sounds of the game, and it didn't sound like you'd died already. So he watched you instead.

He watched your brow furrow in concentration, heard you whispering encouraging words of "Go, go, go!" to your character, and started in surprise when you nearly catapulted yourself out of the chair. He guessed you got a little too into your dodging.

"Boom!" you suddenly exclaimed.

The pudding head snapped out of his thoughts, aware that he'd stopped paying attention to what you were doing.

"What happened?"

"I won!"

"You did?"

You smirked triumphantly. "See what happens when you let me play on my own?"

Kenma turned away, trying to hide his pout.

"You know, there's a multiplayer feature," you pointed out. "Want to play a few rounds with me?"

He glanced up at you. "I call Player 1."

"You got it."

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