Older!Haikyuu Captains - Lost

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You were driving home from work, stopping at an intersection. You saw movement out of the corner of your eye and glanced over to see the driver of the next car over waving at you.

You stared at the three boys in confusion, unsure if they were trying to get your attention. But they seemed adamant about talking to you, so you hesitantly rolled down your window.

"Excuse me," the driver said, giving you a sweet smile, "but is this Peach Tree?"

You narrowed your eyes at him. Could he not see the sign himself? "Yes," you replied after a moment, moving your hand to roll the window back up.

The one in the back immediately sat up, pressing his hands against the half-open window on his side. "You're not turning, are you?" he asked.

You glanced between them in confusion. This was some kind of prank, right?

"Yes...?" you said once again, knowing full well that you were in the turn lane and the cars behind you also had their turn signals on. Were they really that ignorant?

"Bokuto, shush!" The one in the passenger seat hissed before turning back to you. "The thing is, we have an important appearance to make, so can you find it in your heart to let us in front of you?"

"Kuroo, get out of my space," the driver grumbled. The passenger ignored him, continuing to smile charmingly at you.

"Fine, I guess," you relented. The one in the back gave a whoop of victory.

The driver's face quickly morphed into a smile. "Thank you very much!"

Without missing a beat, he started turning his car in front of your own until his bumper was about to hit you. You held your breath in anticipation, just waiting for the sound of his car scraping against your own.

But despite being obviously lost, the driver knew what he was doing. The second the light turned, he straightened out and finished his turn, effectively merging in front of you. He quickly sped up, obviously concerned about making it wherever they needed to go. You sighed in relief and continued on your way home.

When you got on your street, you saw a car's headlights not too far in front of you. It looked familiar but...there was no way. Was that them again? You watched in horror as they drove into your driveway.

"Hey!" you exclaimed as you pulled up behind them. "What do you three think you're doing?!"

"I told you we were being followed," Kuroo grumbled. "I just thought it was one of your fangirls, Oikawa."

"What are you doing here?" the one named Oikawa pressed, coming around to your side.

"This is my house," you replied.

"I told you this wasn't it!" Bokuto exclaimed.

"Well we're in the right neighborhood, you stupid owl."

You sighed. "Who are you looking for?"

"Sawamura," they all replied. You nodded to yourself. He had told you a few days ago that he was having a party with some old friends. You sighed, getting out of your car.

Daichi opened his door to find the three other captains standing there.

"There you guys are! We were starting to get worried."

The trio filed in to see that Sugawara and each of their respective former vice captains were already hanging around in the living room. With the exception of Kenma, who'd come in the place of Kai for Nekoma.

"(Y/N)?" Daichi said as he saw you. "What's up?"

You smiled thinly. "Just making sure these lost boys actually got where they were going."

The three captains' juniors immediately glanced up at them, making the captains uncomfortable.

"This is why I told you to come with us," Kenma grumbled.

"You got lost?" Iwaizumi sighed. "Stupidkawa, you said you knew how to get here!"

"I did! Kuroo was telling me the wrong directions!"

"Bullshit!" Kuroo retorted. "You kept ignoring me because you had a "good feeling" about going the other way."

"Well, Bokuto was distracting me!"

"I just wanted you to see the sights!" the gray-haired captain defended.

You nudged Daichi. "I thought you told me you didn't like these guys." Daichi and Sugawara had told you a lot about their old volleyball days, which usually consisted of the three other captains playing the role of the enemy.

"I didn't for a while." He shrugged. "But their friends keep them in line, which is why I invite all of them over."

"Well, have fun," you said. You turned to leave.

"You don't want to stay for a bit?" Daichi asked as your hand touched the knob.

Without missing a beat, Kuroo had thrown an arm around you. "Yeah, since you're so good with directions, you can draw me a map to your heart."

"I'd much rather stay lost in your eyes," Oikawa added, grasping his hand in your own.

"Uh...!" Bokuto nervously danced around, trying to think of something. "No matter how lost I get, I keep finding my way back to you!"

Everyone stared at him for a few seconds.

Akaashi finally cleared his throat. "I'm sorry about him."

"Actually, that one wasn't so bad. But I'm still leaving."

"Thank you for helping them," Iwaizumi piped up. Kenma nodded his agreement.

"It was no problem. Just make sure they get home safely." They all agreed, bidding you to have a good night.

The second the door closed, Oikawa grimaced. "What are you, our babysitters?" he protested.

"In your case, that seems generous," Sugawara piped up. Everyone else laughed while the brunette pouted.

Daichi rolled his eyes at their antics. Nice to know some things didn't change.

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