Prologue: Reincarnation.

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Prologue: Reincarnation.

There lived a girl who had so very little in her life. She lived off the streets stealing, having to perform cons, begging for food and just anything that can help her survive this shitty life of hers.

She didn't go to school.

More like she can't go to school.

Her dad died in a car accident.

Her mother was a drunkard who always had guests coming around the house. She was always kicked out of her place every time there was a 'customer'.

She didn't understand what her mother did for a living but her mother told her it was necessary. It was her job.

Something about entertaining them and they pay. This girl hated that job that her mother had. She didn't have anywhere else to go every time she had a customer over, she shrugged it off because she was innocent and knew nothing of what her mother had sacrificed for them. She would just play with the other kids on the streets and practice stealing.

She was illiterate.

She didn't know the meaning of jail and consequences.

She knew nothing.

Not until for the very first time she got caught by a professor who took pity on her and was remorseful by the way she lived. She caught the girl when she was out walking and saw a little hair popping out on the street wall. The professor eyed her curiously and waited.

The girl ran as fast as she could and took bread in a nearby stall, the owner was a bit overweight so he couldn't catch up but the professor was intrigued by this and started to chase her.

The girl noticed this and tried desperately losing her by knocking trash cans but the professor was too athletic and avoided all the debris that was thrown until the little girl had no idea there was a dead end.

The professor asked the girl, "Why were you stealing?"

The little girl didn't say anything but held onto the bread more tightly. Her eyes were like a wild dog, her mind was driven more by hunger than logic. The girl looked like she wasn't afraid to hurt someone.

The professor luckily was good with kids. "Hey, hey, tell me why you were stealing and I'll give you this." She pulls something out of her bag and takes out a chocolate bar. "If you behave I'll buy you more of these."

The girl was wary but she hasn't tasted sweets in a long time. Tempted, the girl accepted and they went to the nearest bench and sat down to calmly talk. The professor gave the girl the chocolates first and the girl ate it like a hungry wolf who hasn't ever eaten one. "Whoa, calm down no one's going to take that from you."

The professor tried wiping off the chocolate stains on her face but was faced with a hiss. "Don't give me that hiss or I'll take that away from you."

The girl suddenly became quiet and she stared at the ground. "Your face is messy. I was just going to clean it, promise."

The girl stared at her then nodded. The professor took that as a sign that she can approach the girl and began cleaning the chocolate stains on her face. "So where are your parents? They can't be this careless, leaving a kid like you in the streets if they are, they're assholes." The professor bluntly told the girl.

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