///Chapter 4///

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Annabeth Pov

I woke up this morning late. I blame the movers last night.

It was 7:15 this morning. School starts at 7:30. Great first impression. Percy was rubbing off on me.

I quickly changed and grabbed a piece of toast. I shoved it in my mouth as I walked out the door and locked the door.

It was 7:25 by the time I left the house. I ran all the way to school Luckily the apartment was only a few blocks away and being a demigod I had a lot of practice in running. I got to school in record time; 7:28. I ran to the front office not even panting.

"Hi!" A girl chirped.

"Hello! I'm new here and I need my schedule"


"Annabeth Chase"

She handed me a paper. I checked the time. 7:29. I thanked her quickly and ran to my class.I ran by so many doors I lost count before landing on the door that read 657. I entered the room. The teacher seemed to just be starting class. She smiled at me.
"Hi! I'm the new kid Annabeth. You are Mrs. Lily I presume?" She nodded sweetly.

"You can sit there" She said, pointing to a seat in the front. I nodded thanking her and sat down. I'm not going to get into details but let me just say I aced math class :)


I raced out of math. I was hoping to find seaweed brain during the passing period, but the teacher held me back, since I was new, and was discussing electives and all that stuff. I rushed into English praying that Percy would be in that class. I double checked the name on my schedule and smiled. I had Paul.


I walked into the English classroom.

"Hi! I am the new kid" I said once again.

He seemed to be writing something. "Welcome to room 432 have a seat anywhere you wa... He trailed off. He looked up and was now gaping at me. It looked like a full class, a few seats empty. Everyone was watching us.

"Annabeth?" He asked. I nodded smiling.

"Hi Mr. Blofis" I said enunciating Mr.Blofis.

He smiled and hugged me. "It's so nice to see you here. You moved here? Is the rest of your family here, or are you visiting for the year. Percy didn't tell me."

I laughed. "I moved here by myself, and Percy didn't tell you because he doesn't know." He smiled and laughed.

"Well just tell us if you need anything." A kid coughed loudly in the back and we realized we were making a scene.

"I will, thanks!" I said as I took a seat in the front.

Paul cleared his throat and was about to start when he was interrupted by the door opening and showing Percy.

"Late again Percy." Paul said although he was smiling.

"Sorry" he said sheepishly.

He nodded.

"Next time" He said and Percy took a seat in the back. He headed to the back of the room and took a seat. He waved to the people in the back row and they waved back. They were probably his friends.

Paul coughed and I turned to look at him. He smiled at the class.

"My name is Mr.Blofis" He said, writing it on the whiteboard at the same time.

"We have a new student. Please stand up and introduce yourself." He said to me.

I stood up and turned around to face the class.

I heard a gasp and my eyes turned and met with sea green ones

haha so I hope this one is much longer then the others! I know I am procrastinating to write when they actually meet. I am lazy like that. I will try to do that this week. Thank you for reading this chappie. Please vote and comment. that is it for now my peanuts


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