///Chapter 9///

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Percy POv

I sat in my bed, my foot elevated in a brace. Annabeth sat next to me reading a book while I played with her hair.

I was bored beyond belief. I then had an idea. I did this to all my friends at the beginning of the year and only Flynn and Emma fell for it. I wanted to see if Annabeth would too.

"Hey annabeth can you buy me updog?" I asked nonchalantly

" updog?" she asked looking up from her book confused.

"Yeah updog,"

"Whats updog-" she cursed, and whacked me slightly. I just laughed. Soon she joined in and the smile on her face was worthy of the gods.

The rest of the day was full of jokes, laughs, smiles, smacks, and tips on how to not sprain your ankle during skateboarding. And everything was fine.


Everything was not fine. The next dayat school, as I came with crutches through the door a bunch of kids swarmed me with so many questions, it was suffocating me. I felt like I was going to faint when I heard a yell.

"MOVE BACK! CAN'T YOU SEE HE'S HAVING TROUBLE BREATHING!" The crowd moved back and I had space to catch my breath. Rider rushed towards me.

"You ok?" he asked. I nodded. "Annabeth finally wormed her way out of the crowd and came towards us.

She smiled at us, and we smiled back. "Let's get to class shall we."

I nodded. "We shall! Forward my friends! To the son of Blofis class!"

Annabeth smacked me slightly, while RIder burst out laughing. I just grinned stupidly as we made way to class.

Flynn, Emma, and Ava were already in their seats when we arrived. They grinned and waved.

"How's the foot healing up?" V asked as she popped a bubble with her gum. "It's pretty good. It's actually not that bad and I should be able to have it off within a week!" I said smiling at her.

"You're lucky!" Emma spoke up. "I tried using Ava's skateboard and I sprained my ankle too. It took 4 weeks to heal, and I was stuck with that stupid brace. It was horrible!"

"That's me!" I said grinning. "Lucky!" Sarcasm leaked through my words. I thought of all my stupid quests, all the danger the gods put me through. I was snapped out of my thoughts with a loud pop. I shook my head and focused on what caused the sound. V's gum.

"Sorry." She said not really sorry. "You just zoned out and me being the good friend I was decided to help you out!" I snorted. The rest of the group burst out laughing. I just shook my head.

That is it! I have one chapter or maybe two left!

Please vote and comment!Bai my peanuts!

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