Chapter THREE

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Lacey Paxton

The sweltering heat hits you like a wall of fire as you step out of the refreshing air conditioning of the airport into the midday Middle Eastern sun..
Immediately you see an extremely handsome olive skinned gentleman.. With thick brown hair, eyes to match and a heavy brow, the man is dressed in long khaki slacks and a simple black shirt, the three quarter length sleeves leading down to several braided leather bands around his wrists.. He waves to you with a friendly smile, holding a piece of paper with your name neatly typed in bold font.. "Miss Paxton?"

You smile, making your way over to him wheeling your vintage coco suitcase along behind you.. "Hi, yes I'm Lacey Paxton.."

The gorgeous man extends a hand and you gently clasp his fingers, withdrawing quickly and avoiding prolonged contact.. "A pleasure to finally meet you Miss Paxton, I'm Doctor Sanjake Sarif.. I can't begin to tell you how glad I am that you're here.. When I called Iris looking for an assistant I had no idea she would suggest such a quality candidate.. Did you have a good flight?.."

You're shocked, you hadn't expected the doctor to pick you up from the airport himself.. And from all you read about him from his service record you had assumed he would be much older.. With all the commendations and medals he received in the military he must be quite an impressive guy to have accumulated so much success at such a young age..

Taking in the confident way he holds himself, rigid militant posture and an authoritative air, you note that he is the kind of man who is very sure of himself.. You can't help but think maybe a little too sure, from the way he grins at you, kindly but with a definite appreciation.. "Oh, yes I did.. Thank you Doctor, it's good to be here.. I'm really excited to be a part of the meaningful work you and your team have been doing all across the country.. Whatever you need, I'm more than happy to assist you.."

He grins wider, leanings forward to take the handle of your suitcase, your hand flinching at the brief contact of his fingers on yours.. He turns waving an arm motioning you to join him as he begins to walk, leading you towards a dual-level parking garage beside the small airport .. "That is music to my ears Lacey.. Our first stop is a medical camp that needs to be completely set up by the end of this week.. It's a few hours drive south by the Euphraties near a village called Druitt.. It's fairly remote down there so, if you need anything before we leave, now's the time.."

You shake your head, having researched extensively for this trip and packed accordingly.. "No, I'm ready to hit the road.."

He smiles, and you begin to feel a little uneasy as you enter the parking garage and approach his car.. You try to shake off those feelings of doubt..
Breathe in.. Breathe out.. You remind yourself..
"Sorry, would you mind if I sat in the back seat?.." You ask quietly..

He unlocks the car, giving you a curious look before he nods.. "No.. Of course not, go ahead.."

You climb carefully into the back of the Hummer, buckling your seatbelt as he slides in behind the wheel.. "So, we'll head south and about halfway we'll meet up with an armored escort that will accompany us the rest of the way.."

Now that you're here, and about to actually drive through an active combat zone, the idea sounds even more terrifying than it already had.. The reality is adrenalizing..
Oh lordy.. Your nerves buzz.. "Uh.. Right.. Okay.."

He senses your hesitation.. "Don't worry, we're in good hands.. And no peacekeepers have been attacked in Stryzakstan in a few years.. The rebels aren't interested in hurting innocent bystanders.. Particularly not women or children.. But, the fight between the people and the president's army continues to escalate each day, so we can't be too careful.."

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