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Ace Greyson

As soon as Lacey is out of sight, safely hidden away in the panic-room, I take my rifle from beside the table, unclipping the pieces and releasing the magazine before laying both components neatly on the floor in front of me..

Then, I do the same thing with my pistol, kneeling down with my hands behind my head, I call out.. "I'm unarmed!"

It was only a matter of of time before they figured out I was here, after those marines had found my camp and equipment, I had known they would be tracking us..

But if their capture of me serves as a way to take the heat off Lacey long enough for Knox to complete her extraction..

Well, that's a sacrifice I am more than prepared to make..


With a thunderous crash the door is kicked in and three Marines barrel into the room, their rifles trained on me as their Lt., a man I recognise all too well, begin to shout commands.. "SECURE THE ROOM!! GET DOWN ON THE FUCKING GROUND, GREYSON!!"

I remain perfectly still, already on my knees in the centre of the room, with my weapons dismantled.. I speak calmly carefully watching the jumpy tension of the two younger Marines, hoping neither of them gets too trigger-happy right now.. "Yut.. I'm down, I'm down.."

I would know that dog-faced prick anywhere.. Jake Rafferty..

A man I had served under and alongside all those years ago, three tours I fought beside him.. A guy I once would have called brother.. Before I saw exactly what kind of animal he really is, and he turned on me..

Rafferty taps my weapons aside with his foot as he circles behind me, before kicking a muddy, boot hard into my back.. The sudden jerky motion sending me lurching forward to land on my palms.. "Jake, still a fucking asshole I see, outstanding.."

He rounds to stand beside me with a frustrated growl, before he lays another boot into my ribs, knocking the wind from my chest.. "Oof.."

"Shut the fuck up.. Where is she, Ace?"

I cough, heaving to get my breath back.. "Who?"

He kicks me again even harder, then a third time and a sharp, savage pain shoots through my guts, so I allow my arms to give way and collapse onto my side with a taunting chuckle, spitting out a mouthful of blood..

The metallic tasting viscous continues to rise in the back of my throat .. "Doctor Lacey Paxton, where the fuck is she?!"

I roll onto my back, groaning through the stabbing sensations, reminding myself that pain is just weakness leaving the body.. I keep my hands up, even though I suspect they're not going to shoot me if they don't have to..

Nah, they'd much rather bring me in and collect their medals for doing fuck all..

Fucking heros, each and every one of em..

I groan.. "Ah, you're too late buddy.. She's long gone.."

He spins around, smashing his fist into the wall sending pieces of plaster and dust flying.. "FUCK!!"

At the same time his sergeant, a guy I've never seen before rushes forward to zip tie my hands behind my back, hauling me to my feet he begins to pat down my pockets, while their Pvt begins ransacking the safehouse, flipping over furniture as he searches for Lacey..

He won't find her.. So long as she stays quiet.

God, I hope she does..

I make no attempt to resist or fight back, the sooner they take me the sooner Lacey will be safe again..

"You're gunna fucking talk, Greyson.. I'll find her.." Rafferty steps forward, raising the butt of his rifle, bashing it into the side of my skull, dropping me back down to my knees, his sergeant keeps a hold of my bicep to keep me from hitting the floor as blood trickles down into my left eye, the sting of it only reminding me of my determination.. My purpose...

"I ain't gunna do shit, Rafferty.." I spit, focusing on the stripes of his MARPAT uniform, the familiar eagle, globe and anchor print of his camo, anywhere other than the pain.. "You didn't break me the first time, what makes you think this is gunna be any different?.. You're still the same pathetic piece of shit you've always been.."

I smirk triumphantly one last time before he takes another swing, connecting with the side of my head so hard everything stutters to a stop, silence and nothingness on a sudden glaring flash of white light..


"Rise and shine, motherfucker!"

The flickering fluorescent lighting wreaks havoc on my pounding skull.. "Jesus Christ.." I grumble under my breath, sitting up slowly in the cold steel chair, quickly realising my hands are cuffed to the metal bar that is fixed to the stainless steel tabletop in front of me, the one that I had been resting on a second ago..

Everything in the cold, tiled room is bolted to the ground, the air conditioning ramped up to arctic temperatures.. All of which is probably supposed to intimate me.. Rafferty's efforts fail miserably to do anything close to scaring me.. "So, I found your girl.."

I look up at him, seeing straight through his bullshit.. He never could pull off a convincing poker face..

And interrogation and negotiation happens to be my specialty..

Cracking my neck to one side, I slink back casually in my seat.. "We really doing this?.. Rafferty, you haven't found shit, I told ya, the Doc's long gone.. You never did know when to cut your losses, did ya champ?.."

Answering questions with questions is a sure fire way to piss him off, not that I give a shit..

Jake sits opposite me, a sneer on his sharp, cat-like features.. "I knew good enough to pin everything on your dumbass and take you out.. So, now you're what - - working contracts for spoilt little rich bitches? You dickhead, everything coulda' been yours, but you were too much of a puszy to take what was owed.."

Already he has given me more information than he realises.. He thinks I work for Lacey.. What would give him that idea?.. Who exactly does he think she is?..

I scoff.. "You're fucking sick, man.. Is that how you remember it?.. Cuz I know for a fact those civilian woman didn't owe you shit.. You're nothin' but a dirty dog, a criminal, not fit to wear that uniform you hide behind.. You might have gotten me discharged, Jake, but everybody in the damn corps know so you're just a limp-dick, woman-beating piece of shit, and turning me over to the machine won't do a damn thing to change that.."

He leans forward, reeking of cheap cigarettes, eyes blackened with hatred.. "Watch your fucking mouth, Greyson, or--"

I laugh bitterly.. "Or what?!.. You n' your boys will jump me.. Again?.. Go right ahead.."

I lean forward, narrowing my eyes on him, matching his stern, serious stare.. "But this time, mate.. You better fucking kill me.."

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Where stories live. Discover now