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Lacey Paxton

"You remember the plan?.. You know exactly what to do, right, Daby-doll?.."

You nod surely.. The Ace that sits beside you now in the parked SUV is not the relaxed and carefree man you've come to know so intimately over the past week at the safehouse.. A week that could only be catalogued in your memory as the best of your life..
But today, this Ace is all Marine.. Focused and filled with this radiating coiled tension..

Like a ball bearing suspended in elastic, pulled taut and ready to complete his directive.. Complete destruction of Kingsley's twisted empire.. Quiet and brooding.. You see the same fierce determination set across his dark brow now that he had worn for the entirety of your time in Stryzakstan together..
He is on edge..On the highest of alerts.. And for good reason..

"Yes, I remember.. If I get the chance I plant this near the server room and I don't leave your sight.." You hold up the tiny hackers device.. You're not entirely sure how exactly the tiny black chip works, only that it will provide Delta Team access to everything stored on Davros' private servers ..

"And?.." He arches an eyebrow in question, his tone serious.. Stern.. Like he needs absolute assurance that you won't take matters into your own hands, as you so often seem to do..

"And I won't do anything crazy.. I promise.. No more secrets, remember? You Know everything I know, Honey.."

He eases a little, a soft half smile just for you appears on his full lips before resetting to when he turns to Colt, sat in the backseat who teases in his thick drawl.."Nawh.. Ya'll real fuckin' cute.."

Ace dismisses his jests, in no mood for games.. "Fuck up, ya dumbass.. All set, Knox?"

"Oorah!" Colt gives a two fingered salute, chewing on the toothpick that hangs from his pouty lips as he jerks his neck, flinging his flaxen fringe from his face..

"Oorah!" Ace nods in return before Knox jumps out of the car, jogging off down the road to carry out his directive, heading toward the parking garage where Kinglsey parks his Rolls Royce..

Ace turns to you, the way he looks at you now that you are alone again.. It's that same divine magic that had touched your very soul when he had taken you to the highest of heights between the sheets.. "I still can't believe you did this to yourself for me, Lacey.."

You smile with the slight shake of your head, bangs falling over your eyes, so you tuck them back behind your ears.. "I didn't do this for you, Ace.. Well.. Maybe a little.. But I mostly did this for me.. Even though, I couldn't have done any of it without you.. You gave me the courage I needed.. You make me feel strong enough to finally stand up for myself.." You reach across to take his hand, bringing it to your lips for the softest kiss.. "Everything has always been so hard, Ace.. So close to impossible I thought about giving up every day, becoming more resigned to accept the inevitable misery.. Like somehow, that was what I deserved.. But I don't feel like that when I'm with you.. With you, it's right.. Everything is so right that it kind of scares me.. Because now that I've felt this way.. I don't want to ever go back.. I don't even think I can.."

He reaches up to smooth a thumb over your cheek.. "Baby-doll, you're the best thing that ever happened to me.. And that's saying something.. Cus' I'm a damn lucky guy.." He grins and you blink in bewilderment, admiring his perspective..
From growing up in the foster system, to being placed in a group home before being found by Lori.. To Surviving a brutal ten on one attack and regaining the use of his legs after doctors had dismissed the idea.. The fact that he views these traumatic and formative events as luck and not tragedy only inspires you..

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