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Lacey Paxton

Soft metronomic beeps echo through the quiet hospital suite as you sit at Ace's bedside, head lolling to one side, dozing in and out.. By the time they'd let you in to see him it was three in the morning and now the sun is peeking through the skyscrapers outside the window, you can barely keep your eyes open..

The paper cup of stone cold coffee in your hand tilts as you slip deeper into the slumber and the sensation of the icy liquid spilling down your leg jerks you awake..

"Oh! Dammit!" With an exhausted sigh you set the coffee cup down and pluck several tissues from the nightstand to clean the mess..

You look over Ace in the hospital bed as you soak up the robust puddle on the linoleum, he looks so handsome with the colour back in his cheeks, his glossy ebony hair neatly brushed to one side just as you had left it, his square jaw darkened with a coarse stubble that makes him look even more distinguished.. He is so still and peaceful.. And so very lucky to be alive..

"Lacey?.." Hunter pokes his head through the door after having made sure Lori got home safely, she had wanted to be there for the children when they wake, to explain to them what had happened.. You had promised to call her with any news.. The poor old dear had been so exhausted and worried sick, but she kept the bravest face, only adding to your admiration of her..

"Hey.. How is Lori?" You croak tiredly, tossing the soggy tissues in the trashcan before wiping your sticky fingers on your sweater..

"She's holding up, she's a tough ol'bird.. How's my guy?" He steps into the room, dark concerned eyes sweeping over Ace's unconscious body..

You smile tiredly.. "Observations are normal, so.. Thats good.."

Hunter stalks to the foot of the bed where he leans tiredly.. "Goddamn lucky son'of'a'bitch.."

You sigh, taking a step closer to the beside Ace, taking him warm hand between yours.. "The surgeon told you then?"

Your brother nods with disbelief.. "Yeah, Only Ace-fucking-Greyson could pull a miracle like that off.. Who'd have thought all those metal rods and pins Rafferty filled the guy with would end up saving his life.. Bet Rafferty'd hate that.. I can't wait to see his face when I get to break that bit of news.."

Your head snaps up, your surprised stare narrowing on your brother.. "Rafferty is alive?!"

Hunter frowns.. "Yeah, he's down the hall under guard.. Ellerie's got Half of Bravo Team watching him and the rest on Redlend.. .. You didn't kill him, Lacey.."

You sigh in relief, feeling a little unburdened by the fact.. "Oh.. Good.."

He gives you a reassuring smile.. "You handled that Sig like a fucking Marine, though.."

You grin.. "I learned from the best.."

He glances over his shoulder at Ace.. "Hey.. Ah.. I know you don't want to leave SPC until he wakes up, but I really need you to come to Specter and meet with some people.. Give them your statements.. I wouldn't ask.. But it's important, Lace.."

Even though Specter's offices are only a fifteen minute drive away, you shake your head.. "Can't they wait?"

Hunter opens his mouth, but a different voice rumbles around the room.. "Mmm.. You should go, Baby-doll.."

You look down in shock to see those beautiful baby-blues peering up at you groggily.. "Ace! You're awake!"

You squeeze his hand excitedly and he groans, reaching up to rub his eyes.. "Am I?.."
He looks at you again, trying to focus before he smiles reaching out to you with silly grabby fingers.. "No.. This is definitely a dream, Dolly.. Look at you.. You're too perfect.. Mmmm pretty little angel.."

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz