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Lacey Paxton

Its early morning when you step foot out onto the curb of the downtown sidewalk, passing the chatty cab driver a twenty dollar bill through the front window.. "Thank you, sir, keep the change.."

He nods and drives off as you approach the gate of the run down house, in the middle of an even more run down area, a few suburbs over from where you grew up..

The rusty hinges of the wire fence squeak as you push through the to make your way up the footpath and the wooden stairs creak as you acend to the front stoop..

You're not entirely sure what you are doing here..

Maybe that curoisty of yours..

Maybe your compassion..

But since seeing the distraught look on Lori's face, you had spent the entire night reading articles about her, researching and thinking of ways to bring her son home, and now, you just have to meet her..

You lift a hand and knock nervously.. The sounds of young children, merry and sweet creep from beneath the door.. "Mama, mama, theres a lady at the door!! Mama mama!!" You can hear the pitter-patter of excited footsteps and see shadows move behind the stained glass door as the children run about and shout excitedly.. "You have to press the doorbell miss.. That's the law!!" A pair of little Hazel eyes peep out at you through the letterbox slot..

You lean down to level with them with a smile.. "It is?! Oh, well if its the law, then I suppose I must!.."

You press the doorbell expecting to hear the typical ring of bells, when to your surprise, Frank Sinatra's 'fly me to the moon' begins to chime.. "Yay!! Yay!!" Three happy little titters come from the other side of the door..

You cant help but giggle at their utter excitement when you hear a beautiful voice approach the door, singing along.. "In other words.. I love youuuu!!" The door swings open and Lori blinks at you surprised as the song chime comes to an end, the children gather about her legs, all three gazing up at you in wonder.. "Yes?"

You smile.. "Loretta?.. My name is Lacey Paxton.."

Her eyes glint with recognition.. "Well.. I'll be darned if you're not just about the cutest little chipmunk I ever did see!"

You cough.. "Um.. Excuse me?"

The little hazel-eyed girl with beautiful kinky-curled hair laughs.. "A chipmunk!! Mama, nooo.. She's a princess!!"

The little blonde pixie girl coos beside her siser.. "A princess? Oooooh.."

A dear faced, almond eyes boy steps forward.. "Are you a princess, really?.."

Lori winks at you.. "Of course, Lei, She is princess of the chipmunks, aren't you, dear?.."

You laugh, having no idea what she is talking about, only that the children are enjoying it so much..

"Indeed I am.." You curtsy like a fool and the kids all squeal in delight..

Lei bounces.. "A real life princess, Esther can you believe?!"

The fairy-girl beams at you.. "And she's sooo pretty.."

Lori steps aside, motioning for you to come inside, and so you do.. "Now Adele, why don't you take Esther and Lei with you to the back garden.. The three of you should go and play outside a while, the princess and I must take tea, and talk secret chipmunk business.."

The children nod solemnly, completely believing her every word.. "Yes mama!" Their angelic face cherubs dissappear up the hallway and around the corner..

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat