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Author's Note:

Thanks so much, folks for everyone who has put in a guess about Addison's gift for Meredith!


All I Want For Christmas (Is To Give My Love Away)

The last thing that Addison Montgomery bargained for was to absolutely hate the game of surgical 'secret Santa'.


"Seattle Grace secret Santa sucks," George O'Malley complains loudly to his best friends.

"Careful there, Bambi. Your Santa might hear you, and not get you anything else!" Cristina Yang teases. "Easy for you to say! You got an entire pack of bubble wrap. That's like, the greatest secret Santa gift of all time!" George whines and puts his own gift at the table.

"Ooh, is this George's gift? It's so cute!" says Izzie Stevens, as she sits down with them at the table.

"It's a stuffed animal! And I'm fully grown!" says George.

"It's a panda," says Izzie.

"Well, if you like it so much, we can trade," George huffs.

"Sure," says Izzie. "Mine's a CD, but I don't own a player," Izzie shrugs.

"IS THAT A EUGENE FOOTE CD!?" George exclaims. "Awesome!"

And George skips off happily with his newly acquired prize, wanting to experience his new tunes for himself.

"I think I'm going to name this panda... 'Mulligan,' Izzie smiles, and pats her stuffed toy on the head.

"Yo, what'd you get?" Alex Karev stalks on over.

Christina holds up her bubble wrap, and pops it in Alex's face for effect.

"Dude, you got ripped. Those packs cost ten-ninety-nine," Alex laughs

"Hey, don't be jealous, Evil Spawn," offers Cristina. "Besides, I heard that you just got a boring book," Cristina laughs.

"Hey, I read," Alex retorts, before he stalks away.

"Hey, where's Mer?" Alex gruffs, and for once, Cristina has no idea.

"Probably with McDreamy," Cristina shrugs.

"You think she's-" Alex starts, but Cristina leaves before he finishes that sentence.

"What, I was just gonna say 'do you think she's gotten a better gift than we did?' what did you think I was gonna say," Alex rolls his eyes at no-one, before he walks away also.

"Hey look, ours are matching!" says Derek Shepherd to Mark Sloan.

"Do you want to wear them together?" asks Derek.

"Wait, really?" says Mark. "Plus, I don't know if I can fit in this size..." says Mark.

"It's medium! You're a medium!" says Derek.

"Yeah, when I was in college. Now I'm more of a large!" says Mark.

"You wish you were a large!" says Derek.

"What the hell are they talking about!?" says Callie Torres, while walking by.

"Their secret Santa gifts," Cristina snickers, as she walks by.

"Wait- you didn't get them-" Callie says in surprise.

"Of course not!" says Cristina.

"Someone got us matching sweaters!" Mark emerges, while motioning between him and Derek.

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