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All I Want For Christmas (Is To Give My Love Away)

The last thing that Addison Montgomery bargained for was to absolutely hate the game of surgical 'secret Santa'.


"Where are you taking me?" Addison asks Meredith with a thrilled voice as they head to the blonde's car.

"I know a place," Meredith says to her cryptically, smirking as she sees the redhead squirming under her gaze.

It's been an entire week since the secret Santa began, and the ever-growing sexual tension between the two women is nearing it's breaking point.

"Are you going to tell me where it is?" Addison asks, despite being nearly sure that she won't be receiving a verbal answer on this one.

"You'll find out when we get there," Meredith teases, as she motions for Addison to sit in the passenger's seat, and Addison complies.

"Alright..." Addison sighs, as she tries to calm her heart rate down from all of it's pounding.

"Hey, I thought you were a fan of surprises, hmm?" Meredith hushes to Addison as she pulls out of the parking lot.

Off of Addison's groan, hearing only the chuckling of the blonde woman as they headed out on the open road, they were off.

The drive wasn't too far, not that Addison knew this part yet, and as they drove there, Addison and Meredith made some small talk about their work, and their patients, and their general day-to-day lives.

"You seriously had to operate on a newborn whilst it's twin was being born!" Meredith says to the redhead, impressed.

"Just all in a day's work," Addison says in forced nonchalance.

"I bet you have the wildest stories to tell," Meredith smiles widely.

"They tend to build up over the years," says the redhead.

"I want to hear all of your stories," Meredith's eyes sparkle as they lock with Addison's at an intersection before they keep going, and Addison shivers in response to that.

They end up at a little alcove tucked into a corner. It's off the beaten pathway, and further from the city than Addison remembers ever traveling before.

"Mark might have let it slip one time that you have a thing for French food," Meredith grins as she meets Addison at the door.

"It looks great," says Addison as she meets the blonde to go in.

The interior is far more crowded than the outside might have suggested though, and this inspired even more confidence from Addison's side in Meredith's restaurant choice.

"For two?" The server asks Meredith, and Meredith nods and says that she already has a reservation.

"When did you make that?" Addison asks her.

"You were in surgery," Meredith shrugs, and then a smile can't help but appear for Addison.

"Sneaky," says Addison as the server nods at the two of them, and leads them to their table.

The menus are already placed there, and after Addison slides into the booth, Meredith slides in right beside her, much to the redhead's delight.

"All cozy already, are we?" Addison quips easily.

"What can I say? You're all soft and warm," says Meredith, before leaning in even closer. "And..." Meredith begins as she reaches to run her hand across Addison's thigh under the table. "This way it's going to be much more comfortable," she smirks, as she feels from the tensing, then relaxing, of Addison's muscles under her hand just how much fun she's going to have from her teasing.

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